Members of the Public and Employee
Members of the public and employees of the County who wish to address the County Board are encouraged to register the desire to do so no later than
12 p.m. on the day prior to the meeting.
Any person wishing to address the county board in person shall provide notice of their intent to speak by signing in on the specified sheet provided by the county board office in the meeting room not less than fifteen (15) minutes prior to the scheduled meeting on the day of the scheduled meeting, and be present when their name is called to speak. Registration may be completed
electronically on the County's web site ( or via
The written request shall state the name, home and/or work telephone numbers and e-mail address of the individual, any County employment relationship or representative capacity, the topic the speaker desires to address to the Board, and the date and time of the request.
A person who has provided proper notice of their intent to speak at a scheduled meeting will be allowed not more than three (3) minutes to address the county board. Unless extended by a majority vote of the
board members present, the total time for public comment at a scheduled meeting shall be limited to forty-five (45) minutes.
In the event the allotted time for public comment will be exceeded, based on the number of individuals who have provided written notice of their intent to speak, the chairman shall have the right to alter the order of the speakers in order to ensure that all viewpoints are heard.
- Written materials or handouts will be permitted. In the interest of promoting the efficient conduct of public business, individuals are encouraged to submit written materials or handouts prior to the scheduled meeting. Visual aids may be used so long as they are not disruptive to the proceedings of the county board and/or present a danger to persons or property.
- Unless otherwise allowed by the chairman, All all speakers will be required to address the board from the designated locations in one of the meeting rooms, using the microphone provided.
- Speakers desiring to influence specific county board actions are encouraged, but not required, to make an initial presentation at the appropriate county board committee. Each standing committee of the board shall ensure that time is made available for comment by members of the public and employees, subject to the limitations of time and the business of the committee., and consistent with Illinois law and the Kane County Code.
- Speakers shall refrain from statements or remarks that concern the private activities or lifestyles of individual county employees that are wholly unrelated to the business of the county.
- Individuals addressing the board shall refrain from statements, remarks or conduct that is disruptive to the conduct of the county board or which causes a disturbance.
- The chairman may refer all questions submitted by a speaker to the appropriate County Board committee, elected official or department head for a response at a later date where appropriate.