Kane County Government
How Do I


​​​​Workforce Development Division

Yorkville Workforce Development Office

​​The Yorkville office is located at: Room 225/Kendall County Health Department Building 811 W. John St. Yorkville, IL 60560
This office located on the second floor of the Kendall County Health and Human Services Building. Fax - 630-553-8645
​Unsolicited faxes are prohibited. (Do not use this Fax number for unemployment issues)​

The Yorkville Workforce Development Office provides Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) services which include:

  • ​​Job Search Assistance including job leads that are posted for review 
  • Resume and Cover Letter Development Assistance 
  • Access to Computers for Internet, WinWay (resume programs and the various Microsoft Office programs) 
  • Mavis Beacon Typing Tutorial 
  • Illinois Skills Match 
  • Phones to call on job leads 
  • Recruiters from area businesses who will do on-site interviewing 
  • Fax machine and copier for sending and making resumes for job leads, phones, computers​

Yorkville Workforce Development Office Directions

Staff Contacts

Cheryl Weiler
Program Assistant