Kane County Government
How Do I


​CE 1: Capture economic value of each climate action goal in the Kane County CAIP.


CE 1-1 Leverage Community Development Block Grants from the Department of Housing and Urban Development, or HUD, to invest in resilient and equitable communities.

CE 1-2 Conduct, or hire a consultant to conduct a Community-Wide Renewable Energy Potentials Study. Study should identify economic development opportunities as well as economic savings/impacts of expansion of renewable energy infrastructure within the community.

CE 1-3 Conduct, or hire a consultant to conduct a study to identify economic opportunities possible through the successful implementation of the CAIP and achievement of its goals, especially those which can provide opportunity for the community's vulnerable populations and advancement of entrepreneurship. 

CE 1-4 Conduct, or hire a consultant to conduct a Climate Economy Economic Development Assessment to identify economic development potential of climate adaptation, climate mitigation, and energy action planning. Assessment to include an evaluation of the potentials associated with green hydrogen (hydrogen produced through renewable electricity),  including generation, supply chain and distribution, retail, and use.

CE 1-5 Collaborate with partners to create a market for Certified Compost. Work with organics collection sites to expand infrastructure to accept more food residuals and working with municipalities to expand residual food scrap collection.

CE 1-6 Collaborate with partners to establish a regional business incubator to support the establishment of innovative energy efficiency and renewable energy and sustainability business models within the community.  Structure incubator to increase participation of under-resourced communities and increase opportunities for equity.  Explore partnerships and collaboration with schools, colleges, and universities.

CE 1-7 Focus business develo​pment efforts​ on “green” businesses that are non-polluting, offer or support environmentally sustainable goods or services, and/or actively promote telecommuting, alternative work schedules, and alternative transportation modes.​