Kane County Government
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FA 2: Reduce GHG emissions from animal agriculture, achieve 10% manure management adoption rate and 20% high feed efficiency practices adoption rate by 2030.


​​FA2-1 Collaborate with partners to commission a feasibility study of the potential costs, benefits, barriers, and opportunities associated with a biomass “upcycling” facility to convert marginal biomass streams into value-added biomass products. The upcycling facility could include a regional manure composting operation, a mixed substrate composting operation, and a processing operation for biomass harvested from nutrient catch strips and agricultural buffer strips.

FA2-2 Collaborate to establish an educational campaign and advocate for and seek new or additional financial incentives and technical assistance, to improve management of manure to reduce methane and nitrous oxide losses including:

  • i. Cover manure stockpiles and storage facilities,
  • ii. Optimize timing and direct incorporation of manure application to soil,
  • iii. Increase use of fertilizer and manure stabilization products (N-serve, MTM, etc.) to reduce gaseous losses

FA2-3 Promote and encourage the development of value-added agricultural biomass waste opportunities such as composting, energy, biochar, and wood products.

FA2-4 Establish a educational and communications campaign to advance low emission entric fermentation feed management practices including: increased feed quality/digestability; increased high-quality grazing; feed amendments such as seaweed; and agricultural waste treatment amendments.

FA2-5 Collaborate to advocate for and seek additional financi​al incentives​ and technical assistance to livestock farmers to implement new or expanded high feed efficiency practices Climate Feed Management (CFM) programs, including both feed amendments (e.g. seaweed, biochar) and improved feed quality (e.g. forage quality). Seek partnerships and to direct additional funding through existing regional farm assistance programs.