Kane County Government
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FA 3: Increase production of and access to local food, particularly serving low income and food insecure individuals.


​​FA3-1 Increase education around and access to local healthy food in Public Schools​. Partner with schools and other organizations to create “edible school yards” and sustainable gardening programs at public and private schools. Include summer programming.

FA3-2 Encourage and support a joint local food purchasing p​rogram for all local government, public entity, school district, and state facilities, operations, and events within the community.  

FA3-3 Work regionally to support and facilitate food donation programs. Food donation programs reduce the amount of healthy, safe food that goes to waste and redirects it to those in need.

FA3-4 Improve the availability of culturally appropriate food accessible to the community's populations of color, religiously diverse, and limited English speakers. Explore opportunities to expand local development of these goods through engagement with local food producers and promote information on locations and price ranges of uncommon culturally important produce and food products.

FA3-5 Equitability provide programmatic resources to: a) Increase the production and consumption of home-grown and locally sourced food by supporting farmers markets and community supported agriculture. b ) Create policies and practices to encourage the purchase of healthy​, climate-friendly and minimally processed foods for public meetings, events and facilities. c ) Expand opportunities for food production and neighborhood-scale distribution including community gardens, especially for low-income populations and communities of color. d ) Increase the use of public and private land and roof-tops for growing food. e ) Increase the planting of fruit and nut trees in appropriate locations. f ) Leverage the purchasing power of public and private institutions to source low-carbon and local foods including schools.

FA3-6 Encourage multi-family properties developers to establish land for community gardens.

FA3-7 Provide resources and information regarding community gardening​ and composting to educate the general public on how to grow edible plants with low inputs or organically.

FA3-8 Increase capacity for community gleaning, defined as "the act of collecting excess fresh foods from farms, gardens, farmers markets, grocers, restaurants, state/county fairs, or any other sources in order to provide it to those in need." (USDA definition).