Kane County Government
How Do I

​GE 1: Increase tree cover and diversity, particularly in the priority neighborhoods, 6.5% by 2030 and 15% by 2040 (an increase of 3,660 acres and 7,000 acres respectively with growth coming from species that are native and climate adaptive).


​GE1-1 Consider establishing an effective tree ordinance for protection of trees within the community, with a particular focus on large and mature trees.

GE1-2 Identify “heritage trees” over 100 years old on both public and private land. Establish guidelines and regulations for protecting this heritage similar to regulations governing heritage structures in the City’s historic districts

GE1-3 Consider revising zoning codes to increase diversity of native tree cover, including the preservation of the maximum possible number of existing trees and establishing minimum tree coverage for developments and planting islands in parking lots with a mix of canopy trees, shrubs, and groundcovers appropriate to the lot and its surroundings. Consider revising zoning codes to also encourage the use of native plantings​ and the preservation of natural areas whenever possible.

GE1-4 Plant trees in county highway rights-of-way​, especially in priority areas as identified by the Kane County 2023 ground cover study.

"GE1-5 Establish a tree planting plan to meet the goals of the CAIP.  Prioritize tree replacement programming in neighborhoods based on factors outlined in the County's Ground Cover study including those with low-income households, vulnerable populations, street and boulevards with less than 30% sidewalk/curb length shade coverage. Include a focus on increasing shade trees areas where people congregate (picnic areas, bus shelters, etc.) as well as a focus on species of trees that are native to the Kane County area.  

GE1-6 Establish incentives and other promotional programs​ to support increased tree canopy​ on private property, with a focus on priority neighborhoods as identified in the Kane County Ground Cover Study.  Include a focus on species of trees that are native to the Kane County area.

GE1-7 Develop a comprehensive list of species of trees and plants that meet the following criteria: adaptability to climate change, especially heat extremes, drought, flooding, and high winds; hardiness and longevity; provision of food and hosts for wildlife, including bees, butterflies, birds, and other creatures; species native to the area (200-mile radius). Include instructions or links to resources for planting and maintenance.  Use list for all local government and public projects and encourage use by the public. Make publicizing the resource part of an overarching long-term communications plan for the climate actions.

GE1-8 Establish a program to give away trees on an annual basis for residents to plant on their property.  Potential program concept: grow seedlings and give to homeowners once per year, or sell at a discount.  Limit the trees that are given away to species that are native to the Kane County area. 

  • Goal: 1000+ trees per year

GE1-9 Require and/or incentivize dev​elopers​ to plant shade and water-absorbing trees that are species native to the Kane County, and replace turf landscaping with native prairie, wild flower, and savanna plantings