Kane County Government
How Do I

​GE 3: Reduce heat island effect through Community-wide “dark” impervious surface coverage particularly in neighborhoods identified with higher heat island impacts 10% by 2030 and 23% by 2040. (a decrease of 3,260 acres by 2030 and 7,500 acres by 2040)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

​GE3-1 Provide resource materials for all commercial development projects receiving public funding, PUD approval, and/or Conditional Use Permitting to implement heat island mitigation strategies including cool surfaces, solar-friendly landscape shading strategies​, impervious surface reduction, and breeze capture

GE3-2 Review and refine park and natural space plans to minimize damage from the impacts of increased use, warmer conditions, and potential extreme weather events.

GE3-3 Expand and connect green spaces​ so they are welcoming, within walking distance of all residents, especially in underserved communities where there is a high level of impervious surfaces, and accessible via trails and bike/pedestrian ways.

GE3-4 Conduct, or hire a consultant to conduct an Impervious and Parking Surface Conversion study. Study to provide particular focus on reduction of impervious surface coverage within neighborhoods with the highest existing coverages and identify priority reduction opportunity sites (see 2023 Kane County Tree Survey and Carbon Sequestration Study).

GE3-5 Establish / review and revise parking lot shading guidelines and encourage increased tree canopy cover to achieve increased impervious surface coverage of tree canopy.

GE3-6 Develop a "Cool Roof", "Cool pavement", green ​roof, and/or vertical garden pilot project to educate on and exhibit heat island mitigation strategies and measure potential for effectiveness.  Identify local government or publicly owned building with low solar PV prioritization/feasibility for inclusion as pilot project location.