Kane County Government
How Do I

GE 4: Reduce invasive species and increase climate resilience and biodiversity of community's tree canopy, parks and greenspaces (increased biodiversity focused on species that are native and climate adaptive).​


GE4-1 Explore feasibility of adopting the federal government’s 30x30 goal - 30 percent of land and water maintained in a natural state by 2030, and if infeasible make recommendation for appropriate similar goal for the community.

GE4-2 Partner with local​ sustainability organizations​ to foster public volunteer efforts to maintain and grow park systems and green infrastructure, through tree plantings and integrated invasive species control​. These programs could help contain costs and foster public involvement. Potentially hold partnered events on environmentally focused holidays such as May Day, Arbor Day, Earth Day, solstices, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, etc

GE4-3 Update current development regulations to incorpotrate the use of appropriate native​, climate adaptive trees and plants for new and re-development.

GE4-4 Explore establishing a lighting con​trol ordinance to protect native plants, species, biodiversity, and improve night sky quality.