Kane County Government
How Do I


T2: ​Increase public transit commuter ridership from 2.24% to 6.5% by 2030


​​​​TL 2-1 Use regulatory and voluntary tools to promote affordable and accessible housing development along existing and planned high capacity transit lines, frequent transit routes and in opportunity areas identified by planning department. Include identification of affordable housing areas within all future regional planning projects and evaluate needs for safe, direct bicycle and pedestrian access to transit in areas near affordable housing.

TL 2-2 Consider linking parking requirements to mode share targets.

TL 2-3 Collaborate to rapidly deploy public transit solutions such as bus rapid transit (BRT) or light rail to community hot spots, which could be areas with high congestion, populous areas with currently limited access to public transit, or areas with issues that increase single-occupancy vehicle (SOV) use within the community. 

TL 2-4 Expand access to transit including implementation of a community-wide EcoPass (unlimited rides within community) and expansion of Bus Rapid Transit routes.

TL 2-5 Invest in infrastructure that supports bus operations and more comfortable and welcoming bus stops environments.

TL 2-6 Incorporate feedback of low-income and transit-dependent populations in planning and build-out of these lines to increase transit options and quality of life.

TL 2-7 Collaborate with partners including IDOTPACEMetra, public entities, and local governments to implement and expand Intelligent Transportation Systems​ strategies to improve multi-modal travel times and user ex​perience​. 

TL 2-8 Establish a Transportation System Plan which incorporates:

  • Transportation-related carbon reduction and vehicle-miles-traveled reduction targets in line with this plan.
  • A policy that supports criteria on climate, equity, economic benefit, health, safety and cost effectiveness for project evaluation, development and funding decisions and for performance monitoring.
  • ​Improved city and regional level of service standards to reflect bicycle, pedestrian and transit needs and urban congestion thresholds.
