Kane County Government
How Do I


​W 1: Promote increased water conservation and wastewater generation community-wide with a targeted reduction of 5% by 2030.​


W1-1 Facilitate reduction of water use by top customers annually through an opt-in water reduction program targeting water reduction goals of 20% or more per site. Offer free technical resources to large institutions and businesses to identify specific opportunities for employees or customers to conserve water and incorporate water efficiency into internal operations.  

  • ​​​Goal: 40 business water use audits completed annually with customers engaged in measuring and reducing water consumption. Note, could be implemented in combination with the Waste Audit and Diversion Assistance Program (see the Waste Management section)​

W1-2 Advocate for updated building codes to require water conservation measures (e.g, rain water collection, water-efficient irrigation systems, native and drought-resistant landscaping) in new construction and renovations. Collaborate with municipalities to establish ordinance prohibiting Home Owner Associations from requiring lawn watering.

W1-3 Establish and promote a program supporting the installation of low-flow water fixtures in residential homes and commercial businesses as well as opportunities for real-time water and energy metering that may help customers better understand and reduce their water and energy consumption. Program may be integrated or coordinated with Energy Audit/Energy Efficiency Program(s) in the Buildings and Energy section of this plan.  

  • Goal: achieve 500 households and 40 businesses upgraded annually

W1-4 Encourage rainwater collection systems and Water Sense water efficient fixtures and appliances at all local government and public facility projects and all projects receiving public funding.