Kane County Government
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BE 5: Increase resilience of community-wide buildings to potential impacts of climate change. (impacts include increased flooding risk, increased extreme weather events, and increased extreme temperature events)


​​​​BE5-1 Create "safe haven" sites to act as hubs that provide community access to basic services during periods of power system failure, Provide solar-plus-storage energy generation at safe haven sites to power through renewable energy.

BE5-2 Conduct, or hire a consultant to conduct a Facilities Resilience Assessment and Implementation Plan outlining appropriate facility resilience upgrade projects and establishing a timeline for implementation. Resilience considerations to include flooding, flash flooding, and urban heat island mitigation among other considerations. Resilience assessment​ should include considerations for how facilities can enhance or support resilience for surrounding community, particularly vulnerable populations (i.e. establishment of cooling center access, etc.).

BE5-3 Map critical community infrastructure and operations and identify opportunities to upgrade energy systems that would enable these sites to sustain operations during periods of power grid disruption, prioritizing solar systems.

BE5-4 Include educational and promotional material in zoning processes to increase greater awareness and adoption of climate resilience strategies, energy efficiency, clean energy, and water conservation im​provements​​.