Kane County Government
How Do I

HS 2: Educate, engage, and empower the public on health and safety risks of climate change impacts.


​HS2-1 Develop and distribute educational content (brochures, k-12 curricu​la content, infographics, media announcements, etc) which outlines and actively promotes the clean air and health benefits of strategies included in this CAIP.  Strategies to be actively promoted include  use of renewable energy, conservation of energy, use of electric vehicles, public transit, ride share, and walking and biking for transportation. 

  • Engagement may include collaborating with public schools on curricula content, visiting local schools to talk about environmental conservation, sponsoring science fairs and asthma awareness days, disseminating information about the Air Quality Index and the UV index, supporting smart growth and green community programs, and working with municipal government leaders to establish clean air policies and initiatives.

HS2-2 Create an interactive GIS tool and an app that maps areas of vulnerabilities (i.e. areas at risk of flooding, vulnerable populations, etc) and to  identify where nature-based solutions can alleviate challenges related to climate change.  Include additional information layers for flooding, air quality, health data, etc.

HS2-3 Develop and implement a plan to monitor climate change related illnesses. Utilize results in resource and policy planning, with particular focus on neighborhoods. Communicate results to the public on a periodic basis.

HS2-4 Collaborate with partners to increase outreach to diverse populations about climate change and health, natural hazards, and emergency preparedness via broadcast, print, bus ads, social media, and other forms of communication in multiple languages and accessible to individuals with disabilities to ensure that emergency preparedness planning reaches all residents.

HS2-5 Increase the participation in bike-to-work and bike-to-school weeks as well as other health and wellness, exercise and nutrition programs through promotion, support, and sponsorship.

HS2-6 Educate and encourage community members to take steps to related to increasing their safety in the face of climate change such as improving emergency, extreme weather and temperature preparedness, preventing exposure to vector-borne and water borne diseases, and an awareness of relevant existing state, county, municipal, and other alert systems to stay informed.

HS2-7 Conduct education and outreach on the effects of nutrient loads and contaminants in stormwater on local water quality.

HS2-8 Conduct targeted outreach to ensure that vulnerable populations are signed up for alert systems that notify them of dangerous conditions and where/how to seek shelter or other resources.
