Kane County Government
How Do I

HS 4: Strengthen community response capacity and social support networks, especially around our most vulnerable populations.


​HS4-1 Support capacity of neighborhood and community groups to implement climate mitigation and adaptation initiatives. Explore es​tablis​hing resilience grants to support community-based climate action efforts.

HS4-2 Collaborate with partners like health care providers, colleges and universities, non-profit entities, schools, municipalities, and state agencies and to form and maintain a public health and climate change working group, with a focus on networks for community support, adaptation, and education.

HS4-3 Enhance the coordination between local natural resource agencies and vector control programs to ensure populations of mosquitos, ticks, rodents, and other potential disease vectors are managed in a way that protects human health and ensures ecological integrity and vitality.

HS4-4 Implement or expand climate change science and adaptation curricula in the public and private grade schools.

HS4-5 Support​ the creation of call trees and block networks to check on neighbors during/after extreme weather events​, particularly when they involve grid disruption.