Kane County Government
How Do I


TL 4:  Increase battery electric vehicle (BEV) use to 15% of vehicles on the road by 2030 (from approximately 2,550 vehicles to 99,000 vehicles community-wide).


​TL 4-1 Create an Public EV Charging Community Readiness Plans.  Plan should create community-wide and public facility electric vehicle (EV) charging station study and maste​rplan to:

  1. Map existing infrastructure.
  2. Determine the current and future demand for EV charging stations to meet goals of this plan.
  3. Create increased public access to chargers.
  4. Identify locations for chargers in commercial areas.
  5. Identify DC Fast Charging locations.
  6. Explore charging infrastructure technologies including streetlight integration and smart cable technologies.
  7. Address barriers to charging at homes and rental properties (such as households without garages).
  8. Identify strategies to increase use of EVs in car sharing programs.
  9. Assess the potential to partner with third-party EV charging station providers to lower program and construction costs.

TL 4-2 Collaborate with local partners and electric utilities to study anticipated demands on the elec​tric grid associated with increased electric vehicle utilization and create a grid enhancement plan to address demand need. Study should include innovative grid management approaches like vehicle-to-grid (V2G) systems where electric vehicles can be used as energy storage batteries, saving up energy to send back into the grid at peak times.

TL 4-3 Collaborate with partners to incentivize electric vehicle infrastructure by i​dentifying appropriate locations that are convenient to residents, businesses, and visitors to community.

TL 4-4 Collaborate with partners such as businesses, school districts, fleet operators and transit providers including taxi fleets within community to work towards a goal that buses and fleets based and operating in the community be 50% electric by 2030 and 100% by 2035. Goals should include f​uel economy​ target exceeding US Energy Information Agency projections for remaining internal combustion engine (ICE) portion of fleets. Work with transit agencies and bus companies to take advantage of federal transit grant opportunities to purchase new electric vehicles. 

  • ​Goal: 30 New organization commitments annually.

TL 4-5 Organize and promote an electric vehicle (EV) Group Purchase campaign for public entity fleets, busine​ss fleets​, and interested residents annually to partner with local dealerships to offer limited-time discounted pricing on EVs to help reduce the costs of EV purchase through volume purchasing power.  

TL 4-6 Develop an incentive program to convert fuel-burning lawn equipment such as gas-powered lawn mowers and blowers to ele​ctric. Coordinate with utility rebate programs and state and federal incentives to promote electric yard equipment.