Kane County Government
How Do I


W4: Educate, engage, and empower the public on water quality and conservation.


​​​​W4-1 Protect natural waterways and lakes through addressing invasive species, pollution, recreation, fishing, etc.  Support education and awareness that "explains the why" and supports understanding and "buy in."

W4-2 Promote, share and create  "Actions you can take" fact sheets for businesses, homeowners, rental property owners, and renters to increase water conservation, protect water quality, and increase resilience to water related climate impacts.  Establish an accessible outreach and engagement plan to reach at-risk properties during infrastructure projects.  Incorporate other resources such as "landscaping for absorption" practices (like native plantings, rain gardens, and bioswales) and MyRain Ready.

W4-3 Develop educational materials​ to support the goals of the Water and Wastewater section.  Materials should create greater awareness and adoption of water conservation; expand public awareness of the value of watersheds, rain gardens and low-impact development to address storm​water run-off; and covering the link between water resources and climate change and the risks to community residents and businesses.