Kane County Government
How Do I

Pending Zo​nin​​g Petitions

This page contains a listing of the pending zoning petitions with associated documents. Please open each file to see all of the current documents associated with that petition. Also noted below is a listing of upcoming meetings with regard to any of the pending petitions. If you have any questions about any of the petitions noted on this page, please contact:

Keith Berkhout
Kane County Zoning Planner

Petition Number | Board District
5007 - Renewable Energy Text Amendments
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 5007.pdf4/25/2023 7:00 PMPending
5006 - Mining Text Amendments
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 5006.pdf5/9/2023 7:00 PMPending
5005 - Farm and Local Food Business Text Amendments
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 05005.pdf9/13/2022 7:00 PMPending
5004 - ZBA Memo 2-25-21 Zoning Ordinance Draft Text Amendments for Adult-Use Cannabis
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 5004.pdf3/15/2021 6:30 PMPending
5003 - Text Amendment - Governmental Centers and Judicial Centers definitions
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Text amendment - Governmental Centers and Judicial Centers definitions.pdf12/10/2019 7:00 PMPending
5002 - Prop. Code Amendment Re: Adult-Use Cannabis Business Establishments
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Proposed Code Amendment - Adult-Use Cannabis Business Establishments.pdf11/12/2019 7:00 PMPending
5001 - Code Amendment for Two Alternate Zoning Board Members
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Code Amendment for Two Alternate Zoning Board Members.pdf5/14/2019 7:00 PMPending
5000 - solar text amendment
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 5000 - solar text amendment.pdf11/1/2018 7:00 PMPending
4658 - Landberg Properties | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4658.pdf3/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4657 - Chestnust Skies SUP | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
4657_01_Completed Application (01-29-25).pdf3/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4657_02_SUP Standards Worksheet (01-29-25).pdf3/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4657_03_Project Narrative (01-29-25).pdf3/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4657_04_Site Plan (01-29-25).pdf3/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4657_05_Proof of Ownership-Warranty Deed (01-29-25).pdf3/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4657_06_Plat of Survey (01-29-25).pdf3/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4657_07_Legal Description (01-29-25).pdf3/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4657_08_Certification of Public Notice (01-30-25).pdf3/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4657_09_IDNR Ecocat Report (01-29-25).pdf3/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4657_10_SWCD NRI Report (01-30-25).pdf3/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4656 - JW McConnaughay Properties LLC | Leslie Juby
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Additional Public Comment 03-18-25.pdf3/18/2025 10:30 AMPending
Additional Public Comments Received.pdfPending
Comments from City of Batavia.pdfPending
Comments from City of Geneva.pdfPending
Kane County Division of Transportation Comments.pdfPending
Kane County Health Department Comments.pdfPending
Kane DuPage Soil Conservation District Letter.pdfPending
Petition 4656.pdf3/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
Public Comment Received.pdfPending
4655 - Rutland West Solar | Gary Daugherty
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
4654 & 4655_Public Comment_Village of Hampshire Resolution (02-07-25) (1).pdf2/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4655_01_Completed Application (12-26-24).pdf2/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4655_02_Findings of Fact Worksheet (12-20-24).pdf2/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4655_03_Project Narrative (12-26-24).pdf2/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4655_04_RESF & RWSF Purchase Contract (12-26-24).pdf2/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4655_05_ALTA Survey (11-06-24).pdf2/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4655_06_Equipment Manufacturer Specs (12-20-24).pdf2/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4655_07_Sound Impact Study (December 2024).pdf2/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4655_08_Decommissioning Plan (December 2024).pdf2/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4655_09_Decommisioning DRAFT Surety (December 2024).pdf2/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4655_12_Glare Study (12-09-24).pdf2/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4655_13_Legal Description (12-20-24).pdf2/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4655_17_Site Plan v2 (01-06-25).pdf2/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4655_20_EcoCAT & IDNR Results (11-22-24_.pdf2/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4655_21_SHPO Review Results (12-18-24).pdf2/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4655_22_NRI Report SWCD (12-12-24).pdf2/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4655_23_USFWS Letter (12-23-24).pdf2/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4655_24_US Army Corp of Engineers Correspondence (12-13-24).pdf2/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4655_25_Executed AIMA Agreement (11-19-24).pdf2/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4655_26_INPC Avoidance Memo (12-23-24).pdf2/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4655_26_INPC Avoidance Request (12-13-24).pdf2/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4655_28_Engineer Certificate (12-19-24).pdf2/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4655_30_Wetland Delineation Report (12-13-24).pdf2/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4655_31_USGS Topographic Map (11-25-24).pdf2/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4655_32_Preliminary Farmland Drain Tile Investigation (12-20-24).pdf2/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4655_33_Preliminary Stormwater Management Report (12-20-24).pdf2/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4655_34_Phase I Environmental Assessment (11-27-24).pdf2/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4655_35_FAA Clearance (12-20-24).pdf2/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4655_Public Comment_Pingree Grove Resolution (01-21-25).pdf2/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4655_Public Comment_Village of Hampshire Letter (01-24-25).pdf2/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4655_Review Memo_Health Dept. (12-27-24).pdf2/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4655_Review Memo_Huntley FPD (02-05-25).pdf2/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4655_Review Memo_Huntley FPD (12-11-24).pdf2/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4655_Review Memo_KDOT (01-06-25).pdf2/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4655_Review Memo_Rutland Twp (12-30-24).pdf2/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4655_Review Memo_Water Resources (02-04-25).pdf2/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4654 - Rutland East Solar | Gary Daugherty
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
4654 & 4655_Public Comment_Village of Hampshire Resolution (02-07-25).pdf2/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4654_01_Completed Application (12-26-24).pdf2/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4654_02_Findings of Fact Worksheet (12-20-24).pdf2/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4654_03_Project Narrative (12-26-24).pdf2/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4654_04_RESF & RWSF Purchase Contract (12-26-24).pdf2/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4654_05_ALTA Survey (11-06-24).pdf2/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4654_06_Equipment Manufacturer Specs (12-20-24).pdf2/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4654_07_Sound Impact Study (December 2024).pdf2/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4654_08_Decommisioning Plan (December 2024).pdf2/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4654_09_Decommisioning DRAFT Surety (December 2024).pdf2/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4654_12_Glare Study (12-19-24).pdf2/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4654_13_Legal Description (12-20-24).pdf2/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4654_17_Site Plan v2 (01-06-25).pdf2/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4654_20_EcoCAT & IDNR Results (11-24-24).pdf2/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4654_21_SHPO Review Results (12-18-24).pdf2/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4654_22_NRI Report SWCD (12-12-24).pdf2/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4654_23_USFWS Letter (12-23-24).pdf2/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4654_24_US Army Corps of Engineers Correspondence (12-13-24).pdf2/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4654_25_Executed AIMA Agreement (10-15-24).pdf2/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4654_26_INPC Avoidance Memo (12-23-24).pdf2/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4654_26_INPC Avoidance Request (12-13-24).pdf2/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4654_28_Engineer Certificate (12-19-24).pdf2/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4654_30_Wetland Delineation Report (12-13-24).pdf2/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4654_31_USGS Topographic Map (11-25-2024).pdf2/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4654_32_Preliminary Farmland Drain Tile Investigation (12-20-24).pdf2/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4654_33_Preliminary Stormwater Management Report (12-20-24).pdf2/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4654_34_Phase I Environmental Assessment (11-27-24).pdf2/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4654_35_FAA Clearance (12-20-24).pdf2/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4654_Public Comment_Pingree Grove Resolution (01-21-25).pdf2/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4654_Public Comment_Village of Hampshire Letter (01-24-25).pdf2/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4654_Review Memo_Health Dept. (12-27-24).pdf2/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4654_Review Memo_KDOT (01-06-25).pdf2/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4654_Review Memo_Pingree Grove & Countryside FPD (02-05-25).pdf2/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4654_Review Memo_Pingree Grove & Countryside FPD (12-9-24).pdf2/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4654_Review Memo_Water Resources (02-04-25).pdf2/11/2025 7:00 PMPending
4653 - Weiss Rezoning | Michael Linder
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4653.pdf1/14/2025 7:00 PMPending
4652 - Sloniger Variance | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4652.pdf1/14/2025 7:00 PMPending
4651 - Ken Bernhard Rezoning | Jon Gripe
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4651.pdf1/14/2025 7:00 PMPending
4650 - Glen Wakefield Rezoning | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4650.pdf1/14/2025 7:00 PMPending
4649 - Barbara Stuckemeyer | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4649.pdf12/10/2024 6:00 PMPending
RPC Memo & Staff Report - Stuckemeyer Petition.pdfPending
4648 - Chicago Title Land Trust | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4648.pdf12/10/2024 6:00 PMPending
4647 - Warren Bowman Living Tr. | Jon Gripe
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4647.pdf12/10/2024 6:00 PMPending
4646 - Kathy & Richard Rushing | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4646.pdf12/10/2024 6:00 PMPending
4645 - LF4 Investment LLC | Chris Kious
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
00_Special Use Permit Application & Project Narrative.pdf11/12/2024 7:00 PMPending
01_Applicant Information.pdf11/12/2024 7:00 PMPending
02_Copy of Trust Disclosure.pdf11/12/2024 7:00 PMPending
03_Legal Description.pdf11/12/2024 7:00 PMPending
04_Recorded Deed.pdf11/12/2024 7:00 PMPending
05_ALTA Survey.pdf11/12/2024 7:00 PMPending
06_Lease Agreement.pdf11/12/2024 7:00 PMPending
07_Manufacturer Specifications.pdf11/12/2024 7:00 PMPending
08_Noise Compliance Report.pdf11/12/2024 7:00 PMPending
09_Certification of Notice.pdf11/12/2024 7:00 PMPending
10_Dundee Renewables_Site Plan (09-19-2024).pdf11/12/2024 7:00 PMPending
11_Dundee Renewables_Decommissioning Plan.pdf11/12/2024 7:00 PMPending
12_Dundee Renewables_Wetland Investigation Report (09-04-2024).pdf11/12/2024 7:00 PMPending
13_INDR SHPO Review and Sign Off Letter.pdf11/12/2024 7:00 PMPending
14_IDNR Report (06-25-2024).pdf11/12/2024 7:00 PMPending
15_USFWS Results (06-19-2024).pdf11/12/2024 7:00 PMPending
16_AIMA Agreement.pdf11/12/2024 7:00 PMPending
17_USGS Topographical Map.pdf11/12/2024 7:00 PMPending
18_Stormwater Memo (09-26-2024).pdf11/12/2024 7:00 PMPending
19_Structural Engineer Memo (11-12-2024).pdf11/12/2024 7:00 PMPending
20_Dundee Renewables_Site Plan REV (11-12-2024).pdf11/12/2024 7:00 PMPending
21_IDNR Letter (ZBA 11-12-24).pdf11/12/2024 7:00 PMPending
22_Algonquin Land Use Plans (ZBA 11-12-24).pdf11/12/2024 7:00 PMPending
4645 Memo_Algonquin (10-31-24).pdfPending
4645_Dundee Renewables - Algonquin Response Letter (11-11-2024).pdf11/12/2024 7:00 PMPending
4645_Petition Summary Packet.pdf11/12/2024 7:00 PMPending
4645_ZBA Petitioner Presentation (11-12-24).pdf11/12/2024 7:00 PMPending
4645_ZBA Staff Presentation (11-12-24).pptx11/12/2024 7:00 PMPending
4644 - Home State Bank Natl. Assoc. | Gary Daugherty
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
00_Special Use Permit Zoning Application.pdf11/12/2024 7:00 PMPending
01_BTSF Project Narrative.pdf11/12/2024 7:00 PMPending
02_Certification of Notification.pdf11/12/2024 7:00 PMPending
03_Advance Notice Letter.pdf11/12/2024 7:00 PMPending
04_Rt 72 BigTimber Contract_Executed.pdf11/12/2024 7:00 PMPending
05_Big Timber Solar Farm Legal Description.pdf11/12/2024 7:00 PMPending
06_Big-Timber-Route-72-Survey-2022-2 (rcvd 6 3 2022).pdf11/12/2024 7:00 PMPending
07_Big Timber_Noise Memo_Draft_092024.pdf11/12/2024 7:00 PMPending
08_Module and Inverter Data Sheets.pdf11/12/2024 7:00 PMPending
09_IDOT Email_No Permit Required.pdf11/12/2024 7:00 PMPending
10_Local Jurisdictional Outreach.pdf11/12/2024 7:00 PMPending
11_Big Timber Solar_Site Plan (09-16-2024).pdf11/12/2024 7:00 PMPending
12_Big Timber Solar_Decommissioning Plan (09-09-2024).pdf11/12/2024 7:00 PMPending
13_Big Timber Solar_Wetland Report (08-20-2024).pdf11/12/2024 7:00 PMPending
14_Big Timber Solar_Drain Tile Mitigation Plan.pdf11/12/2024 7:00 PMPending
15_Big Timber Solar Farm, LLC (Kane) 2024 LO Letter.pdf11/12/2024 7:00 PMPending
16_Big Timber Solar Farm, LLC (Kane) 2024 AIMA.pdf11/12/2024 7:00 PMPending
17_EcoCAT Review Letter (08-27-2024).pdf11/12/2024 7:00 PMPending
18_USFWS Section 7 Big Timber Solar Farm 9-6-2024.pdf11/12/2024 7:00 PMPending
19_USFWS Species List_ Chicago Ecological Service Field Office.pdf11/12/2024 7:00 PMPending
20_Structural Engineer's Certificate-Signed (09-05-2024).pdf11/12/2024 7:00 PMPending
21_NRI 24-070 Report (07-24-2024).pdf11/12/2024 7:00 PMPending
22_BTSF Proposed Seed Mixtures.pdf11/12/2024 7:00 PMPending
23_BTSF FAA Notice Criteria Packet.pdf11/12/2024 7:00 PMPending
24_Forge Solar Glare Analysis Report BTSF.pdf11/12/2024 7:00 PMPending
25_SHPO Exempt Letter (09-25-2024).pdf11/12/2024 7:00 PMPending
26_Interconnection Application Review.pdf11/12/2024 7:00 PMPending
27_Material Safety Data Sheet.pdf11/12/2024 7:00 PMPending
28_Phase I Environmental Site Assessment.pdf11/12/2024 7:00 PMPending
4644 Memo_Gilberts (10-22-24).pdfPending
4644 Memo_Kent Damisch (10-24-24).pdfPending
4644 Memo_Pingree Grove 2024-R-23 (11-19-24).pdfPending
4644 Memo_RDFPD Letter & Pet. Responses (09-13-2024).pdf11/12/2024 7:00 PMPending
4644_Petition Summary Packet.pdf11/12/2024 7:00 PMPending
4644_ZBA Petitioner Presentation (11-12-24).pptx11/12/2024 7:00 PMPending
4644_ZBA Staff Presentation (11-12-24).pptx11/12/2024 7:00 PMPending
4643 - CVM Property Management LLC | Bill Lenert
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
11.5.24 Letter to County Re VOSG Additional Conditions - with Exhibits.pdf11/12/2024 7:00 PMPending
4643_Sugar Grove Letter of Objection (09-05-24).pdfPending
4643_ZBA Continuance Request (12-03-24).pdfPending
Big Rock Objection Letter.pdfPending
Petition 4643.pdf10/8/2024 7:00 PMPending
Petitioner’s Request to Table Petition to January 2025 Zoning Meeting.pdfPending
Petitioner’s Request to Table Petition to November Zoning Meeting.pdfPending
4642 - Geneva CUSD 304 | Michael Linder
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4642.pdf10/8/2024 7:00 PMPending
4641 - Alan & Gayle Volpp Trusts | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4641.pdf10/8/2024 7:00 PMPending
4640 - Haug Family Trust | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4640.pdf10/8/2024 7:00 PMPending
4639 - Name Quality Real Investors | Gary Daugherty
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
0 Dietrich Road SUP Plan Set_240612.pdfPending
Array Datasheet_DuraTrack_September 2022.pdfPending
Dietrich Road Solar 1, LLC - Alta.pdfPending
Dietrich Road Solar 1, LLC (Kane) 2024 AIMA.pdfPending
Dietrich Road Solar 1, LLC (USFWS).pdfPending
Dietrich Road Solar 1, LLC App for Zoning Map Amendment and or Special Use.pdfPending
Dietrich Road Solar 1, LLC Decommissioning Estimate.pdfPending
Dietrich Road Solar 1, LLC EcoCAT.pdfPending
Dietrich Road Solar 1, LLC Emergency Services Plan.pdfPending
Dietrich Road Solar 1, LLC IDNR Consultatoin.pdfPending
Dietrich Road Solar 1, LLC IHPA Review Request.pdfPending
Dietrich Road Solar 1, LLC Lease - Redacted.pdfPending
Dietrich Road Solar 1, LLC LONO Request.pdfPending
Dietrich Road Solar 1, LLC NRI application.pdfPending
Dietrich Road Solar 1, LLC Road Use Memo.pdfPending
Dietrich Road Solar 1, LLC Stormwater Report.pdfPending
Dietrich Road Solar 1, LLC Title Search.pdfPending
Dietrich Road Solar 1, LLC Traffic Route Exhibit.pdfPending
NRI 24-059 Application.pdfPending
NRI 24-059 Government Letter.pdfPending
Reference Module - HT78-18X-Transparent.pdfPending
Step-up transformer datasheet.pdfPending
Summary Petition 4639.pdf8/13/2024 7:00 PMPending
4638 - Arnold Gerhke Trust 101 | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4638.pdf8/13/2024 7:00 PMPending
4637 - Lindsey Rolston | Gary Daugherty
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4637.pdf8/13/2024 7:00 PMPending
4636 - Alfonso Fregoso | Gary Daugherty
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4636.pdf7/9/2024 7:00 PMPending
4635 - Howard & Dana Engel | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4635.pdf6/11/2024 7:00 PMPending
4634 - RLC Benture LLC | Bill Lenert
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
_RPIL S Barnes - Assignment of Lease.pdfPending
_RPIL S Barnes - Cover Letter.pdfPending
Exhibit A - RPIL S Barnes - SUP Application.pdfPending
Exhibit B - RPIL S Barnes - Findings of Fact Responses.pdfPending
Exhibit C(1) (Revised) - RPIL S Barnes - Site Plan.pdfPending
Exhibit C(2) - RPIL S Barnes - Boundary Survey.pdfPending
Exhibit D - RPIL S Barnes - NRI Report.pdfPending
Exhibit E - RPIL S Barnes - Runoff and Peak Rate Analysis.pdfPending
Exhibit F - RPIL S Barnes - Decommissioning Plan.pdfPending
Exhibit G - RPIL S Barnes - AIMA.pdfPending
Exhibit H - RPIL S Barnes - Environmental & Cultural Consultation.pdfPending
Exhibit I - RPIL S Barnes - Health & Safety Report.pdfPending
Exhibit J - RPIL S Barnes - Literature Review.pdfPending
Exhibit K - RPIL S Barnes - Equipment Specifications.pdfPending
Exhibit L - RPIL S Barnes - Noise Compliance Study.pdfPending
Neighboring Property Owner Photo Exhibit.pdfPending
Representative Sample of Entire Petition 4634.pdf6/11/2024 7:00 PMPending
RPIL S Barnes - Aurora City Council Memorandum 240528 (Final).pdfPending
RPIL S Barnes - Electronic Legal Description.pdfPending
RPIL Solar 10, LLC - South Barnes Presentation 6.11.24.pdfPending
RPIL South Barnes Petition 6.10.24.pdfPending
4633 - Weathered Ways Farm LLC | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4633 Weathered Ways Farm, LLC.pdf6/11/2024 7:00 PMPending
4632 - Snamals LLC | Dale Berman
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
20240430_final_lorang_sup (4).pdfPending
20240430_lorang_zoning_resubmittal (4).pdf7/9/2024 7:00 PMPending
Lorang Solar SUP Application_Attachment B_20240314.pdfPending
Petitioner’s Solar PowerPoint Presentation.pdfPending
4631 - Michael Vondra | Bill Lenert
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
__ Cover.pdfPending
__20240402 IL KN309 5MW_SUP Narrative.pdfPending
_Appendix A - Application Forms.pdf5/14/2024 7:00 PMPending
_Appendix B - Zoning Site Plan & Boundary Survey.pdfPending
_Appendix C - Natural Resource Inventory Report.pdfPending
_Appendix D - Wetland Delineation Report.pdfPending
_Appendix E - FEMA FIRM Map.pdfPending
_Appendix F - Environmental Constraints Memo.pdfPending
_Appendix G - IDNR EcoCAT Response Letter.pdfPending
_Appendix H - SHPO Concurrence Letter.pdfPending
_Appendix I - Agricultural Impact Mitigation Agreement.pdfPending
_Appendix J - Manufacturers_ Specifications.pdfPending
_Appendix K - Sound Study.pdfPending
_Appendix L - Health and Safety Impacts.pdfPending
_Appendix M - Glare Study.pdfPending
_Appendix N - FAA Notice Criteria Screening Results.pdfPending
_Appendix O - Interconnection Agreement.pdfPending
_Appendix P - Operations & Maintenance Plan.pdfPending
_Appendix Q - Decommissioning Plan & Cost Estimate.pdfPending
_Appendix R - Property Value Impact Study.pdfPending
4631 - KN309_Kimley-Horn Presentation_2024.05.14.pdfPending
4631 - TPE KN309 Public Hearing Slide Deck 15May2024.pdfPending
4630 - Twin Creek Farm LLC | Bill Lenert
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4630.pdf4/9/2024 7:00 PMPending
4629 - Twin Creek Farm LLC | Bill Lenert
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4629.pdf4/9/2024 7:00 PMPending
4628 - Arthur 29 LLC | Dale Berman
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4628.pdf4/9/2024 7:00 PMPending
4627 - Donald Stoxen, et al. | Gary Daugherty
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4627 Stoxen Family Melms Rd Farm_.pdf3/12/2024 7:00 PMPending
4626 - Jay Manjarrez | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
2404882 Rancho La Muneca.pdfPending
402.001 Manjarrez Business Plan 2-8-2023.pdfPending
402.001_000 Manjarrez Aerial.pdfPending
402.001_CDP1_Floor Plan-Site Plan.pdfPending
402.001_Manjarrez Project Photos.pdfPending
5807 - Manjarrez Traffic Study 6-8-2023.pdfPending
EcoCAT_2404882 - 12N011 Waughon Road.pdfPending
Findings of Fact-Manjarrez.pdfPending
KDSWCD Application.pdfPending
Manjarrez Application(executed).pdf2/13/2024 7:00 PMPending
Manjarrez Drain Tile Survey.pdfPending
Manjarrez Family Farm Mailing Address Buffer 062023.pdfPending
Manjarrez Legal Description.pdfPending
Manjarrez Structural Letter.pdfPending
Manjarrez Transmittal Letter.pdfPending
Petition 4626 Staff Report.pdfPending
Rev 2 - Site Plan Set - 5807 - Jay Manjarrez 12N011 Waughon 12-10-23.pdfPending
Septic Permit 9-21-2023.pdfPending
Storm narrative - 12N011 Waughon Road(clh)_.pdfPending
4625 - McLean333 Property LLC | Michelle Gumz
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
628 Montgomery Road (02-06-24).pdfPending
Petition 4625.pdf2/6/2024 7:00 PMPending
4624 - MacHarg, Vacek, Illian, LLC | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Las Brisas Polo Club LLC Letter to Kane County ZBA re Conditional Support for Petition (Transmitted 5-10-2024).pdfPending
PLDZ2024-011 Continuance Request.pdfPending
Updated Billek Site Plan.pdfPending
Updated Variance Petition.pdf1/9/2024 7:00 PMPending
4623 - JS2 Trust (Amazing Vehicle Sales) | Michelle Gumz
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4623.pdf1/9/2024 7:00 PMPending
4622 - Nesler Road Solar LLC | Jon Gripe
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
2024-01-18_Nesler Road_Site Plan Exhibit.pdfPending
2024-02-05 3D Exhibits.pdfPending
2024-02-06 3D Exhibits-Initial Install.pdfPending
Comments from Alex R. Jayne.pdfPending
CR - Lightstar Renewables - Nesler Road Solar Site Specific Report WIP 1.26.2024.pdfPending
CR - Lightstar Renewables - Property Value Solar Impact Report WIP 1.26.2024.pdfPending
Nesler Road Solar Noise Report 11237255 2024 01 30.pdfPending
Petition 4622 - Jeffrey Jayne (Nesler Road Solar LLC).pdf12/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
Petition 4622 for December ZBA - Corrected Legal Description.pdf12/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
Request to Continue Petition to February ZBA Meeting.pdfPending
4621 - TPE IL KN188 LLC | Bill Lenert
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
_TPE_IL_KN188_LLC_SUP_Narrative_13Oct23 - 4621.pdf11/15/2023 7:00 PMPending
4621 - TPE IL KN188 LLC staff report.pdf11/15/2023 7:00 PMPending
Appendix A - APPLICATION FORMS - 4621.pdf11/15/2023 7:00 PMPending
Appendix B - ZONING SITE PLAN & BOUNDARY SURVEY - 4621.pdf11/15/2023 7:00 PMPending
Appendix C - LAND USE OPINION - 4621.pdf11/15/2023 7:00 PMPending
Appendix D - WETLAND DELINEATION REPORT - 4621.pdf11/15/2023 7:00 PMPending
Appendix E - FEMA FIRM MAP - 4621.pdf11/15/2023 7:00 PMPending
Appendix F - ENVIRONMENTAL CONSTRAINTS MEMO - 4621.pdf11/15/2023 7:00 PMPending
Appendix G - IDNR ECOCAT RESPONSE LETTER - 4621.pdf11/15/2023 7:00 PMPending
Appendix H - SHPO CONCURRENCE LETTER - 4621.pdf11/15/2023 7:00 PMPending
Appendix I - AIMA - 4621.pdf11/15/2023 7:00 PMPending
Appendix J - MANUFACTURERS SPECS - 4621.pdf11/15/2023 7:00 PMPending
Appendix L - GLARE STUDY - 4621.pdf11/15/2023 7:00 PMPending
Appendix M - FAA NOTICE CRITERIA SCREENING - 4621.pdf11/15/2023 7:00 PMPending
Appendix N - INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT - 4621.pdf11/15/2023 7:00 PMPending
Appendix O - O&M PLAN - 4621.pdf11/15/2023 7:00 PMPending
Appendix P - DECOMMISSIONING PLAN & COSTS - 4621.pdf11/15/2023 7:00 PMPending
Appendix Q - PROPERTY VALUE IMPACT STUDY - 4621.pdf11/15/2023 7:00 PMPending
Completed Land Use Opinion - Pet. 4621.pdf11/15/2023 7:00 PMPending
KN188 Extension Letter 15Nov2023.pdf11/15/2023 7:00 PMPending
Letter of Objection from Tim Leuer.pdf11/15/2023 7:00 PMPending
Notice to Withdraw Petition.pdf11/15/2023 7:00 PMPending
Objection Letter from Dan Leuer.pdf11/15/2023 7:00 PMPending
Petition of Objection - Pet. 4621.pdf11/15/2023 7:00 PMPending
Petitioner’s Request to Postpone Zoning Board Consideration.pdf11/15/2023 7:00 PMPending
4620 - TPE IL KN415 LLC | Clifford Surges
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
_TPE_IL_KN415_LLC_SUP_Narrative_13Oct23 - 4620.pdf11/15/2023 7:00 PMPending
1. 20231115 - KN415 Public Hearing Slide Deck.pdf11/15/2023 7:00 PMPending
20240206 - KN415 Public Hearing Slide Deck FINAL.pdfPending
4620 - TPE IL KN415 LLC staff eport.pdf11/15/2023 7:00 PMPending
Appendix A - APPLICATION FORMS - 4620.pdf11/15/2023 7:00 PMPending
Appendix B - ZONING SITE PLAN & BOUNDARY SURVEY - 4620.pdf11/15/2023 7:00 PMPending
Appendix C - LAND USE OPINION - 4620.pdf11/15/2023 7:00 PMPending
Appendix D - WETLAND DELINEATION REPORT - 4620.pdf11/15/2023 7:00 PMPending
Appendix E - FEMA FIRM MAP - 4620.pdf11/15/2023 7:00 PMPending
Appendix F - ENVIRONMENTAL CONSTRAINTS MEMO - 4620.pdf11/15/2023 7:00 PMPending
Appendix G - IDNR ECOCAT RESPONSE LETTER - 4620.pdf11/15/2023 7:00 PMPending
Appendix H - SHPO CONCURRENCE LETTER - 4620.pdf11/15/2023 7:00 PMPending
Appendix I - AIMA - 4620.pdf11/15/2023 7:00 PMPending
Appendix J - MANUFACTURERS SPEC - 4620S.pdf11/15/2023 7:00 PMPending
Appendix K - HEALTH AND SAFETY IMPACTS - 4620.pdf11/15/2023 7:00 PMPending
Appendix K - HEALTH AND SAFETY IMPACTS - 4621.pdf11/15/2023 7:00 PMPending
Appendix L - GLARE STUDY - 4620.pdf11/15/2023 7:00 PMPending
Appendix M - FAA NOTICE CRITERIA SCREENING - 4620.pdf11/15/2023 7:00 PMPending
Appendix N - INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT - 4620.pdf11/15/2023 7:00 PMPending
Appendix O - O&M PLAN - 4620.pdf11/15/2023 7:00 PMPending
Appendix P - DECOMMISSIONING PLAN & COSTS - 4620.pdf11/15/2023 7:00 PMPending
Appendix Q - PROPERTY VALUE IMPACT STUDY - 4620.pdf11/15/2023 7:00 PMPending
Comments from the Village of Algonquin.pdf11/15/2023 7:00 PMPending
Completed Land Use Opinion - Pet. 4620.pdf11/15/2023 7:00 PMPending
Devos Letter to ZBA 12-12 and Solar Panel Toxins Article.pdf11/15/2023 7:00 PMPending
Exhibit A - Pet. 4620.pdf11/15/2023 7:00 PMPending
Exhibit B - Pet. 4620.pdf11/15/2023 7:00 PMPending
Glare Study Summary Text & Data.pdf11/15/2023 7:00 PMPending
Kane County - Algonquin Repsonse Letter (Petition 4620) 08Dec2023.pdf11/15/2023 7:00 PMPending
KN415_Noise Memo_102523.pdf11/15/2023 7:00 PMPending
KN415_Zoning Site Plan_2023.11.15.pdf11/15/2023 7:00 AMPending
KN415_Zoning Site Plan_2023.12.07.pdf11/15/2023 7:00 PMPending
Letter from Village of Carpentersville received 1-22-24.pdfPending
Letter of Objection from Fran Dugo.pdf11/15/2023 7:00 PMPending
Objection Letter from Fran Dugo.pdf11/15/2023 7:00 PMPending
Petitioner Follow-up - 4620 - TPE IL KN415 LLC.pdf11/15/2023 7:00 PMPending
REVISED KN415_Noise Memo_102523.pdf11/15/2023 7:00 PMPending
REVISED KN415_Zoning Site Plan_2023.11.15.pdf11/15/2023 7:00 PMPending
SUP 4620 - SOLAR ARRAY KANE COUNTY.pdf11/15/2023 7:00 PMPending
SUP 4620 - Village of Carpentersville comment letter 12.12.23.pdf11/15/2023 7:00 PMPending
Village of Carpentersville - Solar Farm Review 2023-12-06.pdf11/15/2023 7:00 PMPending
Village of Carpentersville, Municipal Code Chapter 17 Subdivisions, Amending Ordinance.pdfPending
4619 - TPE IL KN216 LLC | Dale Berman
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
_TPE_IL_KN216_LLC_SUP_Narrative_13Oct23.pdf11/14/2023 7:00 PMPending
4619 - TPE IL KN216 LLC staff report.pdf11/14/2023 7:00 PMPending
Appendix A - APPLICATION FORMS.pdf11/14/2023 7:00 PMPending
Appendix B - ZONING SITE PLAN & BOUNDARY SURVEY.pdf11/14/2023 7:00 PMPending
Appendix C - LAND USE OPINION.pdf11/14/2023 7:00 PMPending
Appendix D - WETLAND DELINEATION REPORT.pdf11/14/2023 7:00 PMPending
Appendix E - FEMA FIRM MAP.pdf11/14/2023 7:00 PMPending
Appendix F - ENVIRONMENTAL CONSTRAINTS MEMO.pdf11/14/2023 7:00 PMPending
Appendix G - IDNR ECOCAT RESPONSE LETTER.pdf11/14/2023 7:00 PMPending
Appendix H - SHPO CONCURRENCE LETTER.pdf11/14/2023 7:00 PMPending
Appendix I - AIMA.pdf11/14/2023 7:00 PMPending
Appendix J - MANUFACTURERS SPECS.pdf11/14/2023 7:00 PMPending
Appendix K - HEALTH AND SAFETY IMPACTS.pdf11/14/2023 7:00 PMPending
Appendix L - GLARE STUDY.pdf11/14/2023 7:00 PMPending
Appendix M - FAA NOTICE CRITERIA SCREENING.pdf11/14/2023 7:00 PMPending
Appendix N - INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT.pdf11/14/2023 7:00 PMPending
Appendix O - O&M PLAN.pdf11/14/2023 7:00 PMPending
Appendix P - DECOMMISSIONING PLAN & COSTS.pdf11/14/2023 7:00 PMPending
Appendix Q - PROPERTY VALUE IMPACT STUDY.pdf11/14/2023 7:00 PMPending
Completed Land Use Opinion.pdf11/14/2023 7:00 PMPending
Exhibit A - Pet. 4619.pdf11/14/2023 7:00 PMPending
Exhibit B - Pet. 4619.pdf11/14/2023 7:00 PMPending
Exhibit C - Pet. 4619.pdf11/14/2023 7:00 PMPending
King Letter of Support Application Petition 4619.pdf11/14/2023 7:00 PMPending
KN216_Zoning Site Plan_2023.11.14.pdf11/14/2023 7:00 PMPending
Petition 4619 ZBA Findings of Fact 11 14 2023.pdf11/14/2023 7:00 PMPending
4618 - KaneSolar03 LLC | Bill Lenert
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
1. - Hatch written application narrative.pdf10/10/2023 7:00 PMPending
2. Appx A - Hatch-Solar_SUP_090523_Stamped.pdf10/10/2023 7:00 PMPending
20231008 - Hatch Kane Co ZBA Slides From Petitioner.pdf10/10/2023 7:00 PMPending
3. Appx B - Hatch Survey.pdf10/10/2023 7:00 PMPending
4. Appx C - example equipment datasheets.pdf10/10/2023 7:00 PMPending
4618 - KaneSolar03 LLC.pdf10/10/2023 7:00 PMPending
5. Appx D - Hatch Solar_Delineation Report.pdf10/10/2023 7:00 PMPending
6. Appx E - Hatch Solar 23-059 LUO Report.pdf10/10/2023 7:00 PMPending
7. Appx F - IL DNR Hatch Farm Solar no impact letter 2317446 20230626.pdf10/10/2023 7:00 PMPending
8.1 Appx G - US FWS Hatch Farm Solar No Effect Consistency Letter NLEB Rangewide DKey 2023-06-27.pdf10/10/2023 7:00 PMPending
8.2 Appx G - US FWS Hatch Farm Solar Species List Chicago Ecological Service Field Office.pdf10/10/2023 7:00 PMPending
8.3 Appx G - US FWS Hatch Species List Chicago Ecological Service Field Office.pdf10/10/2023 7:00 PMPending
9.1 Appx H - Hatch decom plan.pdf10/10/2023 7:00 PMPending
9.2. Appx H - Decommissioning Estimate_Hatch_FINAL.pdf10/10/2023 7:00 PMPending
Exhibit A.pdf10/10/2023 7:00 PMPending
4617 - ILSolar05 LLC | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
1. Hartmann written application FINAL.pdf10/10/2023 7:00 PMPending
2. Appendix A - Hartmann civil plans.pdf10/10/2023 7:00 PMPending
20231008 - Hartmann Kane Co ZBA Slides From Petitioner.pdf10/10/2023 7:00 PMPending
20231018 - Hartmann Updated Screening Plan.pdf10/10/2023 7:00 PMPending
3. Appendix B - Hartmann Survey (File no. 16926).pdf10/10/2023 7:00 PMPending
4. Appendix C - example equipment datasheets.pdf10/10/2023 7:00 PMPending
4617 - ILSolar05 LLC.pdf10/10/2023 7:00 PMPending
5. Appendix D - ILSolar05 LLC wetland Letter of No Finding.pdf10/10/2023 7:00 PMPending
6. Appendix E - Hartmann Farm Solar LUO (File no 23-050).pdf10/10/2023 7:00 PMPending
7. Appendix F - IL DNR Hartmann Farm Solar no-impact letter 2317401 20230626 -.pdf10/10/2023 7:00 PMPending
8.1 Appendix G - US FWS Hartmann Farm Solar - Eastern Fringed Prairie Orchid guidelines.pdf10/10/2023 7:00 PMPending
8.2 Appendix G - US FWS Hartmann No Effect Consistency Letter NLEB DKey 2023-06-26.pdf10/10/2023 7:00 PMPending
8.3 Appendix G - US FWS Hartmann Species List Chicago Ecological Service Field Office.pdf10/10/2023 7:00 PMPending
9.1 Appendix H - Hartmann FINAL decom plan.pdf10/10/2023 7:00 PMPending
9.2 Appendix H - Decommissioning Cost Estimate_Hartmann_8.21.23.pdf10/10/2023 7:00 PMPending
Exhibit A – Part 1.pdf10/10/2023 7:00 PMPending
Exhibit A – Part 2.pdf10/10/2023 7:00 PMPending
4616 - KaneSolar02 LLC | Bill Lenert
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
1. Alexander written application narrative.pdf9/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
2. Appx A - Alexander-Johnson_SUP_090523_Stamped.pdf9/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
20221031 Alexander-Johnson Farm Solar site plan (updated).pdf9/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
20230719 - Alexander Memo of Lease RECORDED.PDF9/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
20231114 - Alexander Kane Co ZBA Nov 14th slides FOR KANE COUNTY(1).pdf9/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
20231120 - Letter from Horizon to Kane Co RE Petition 4616.pdf9/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
20231121 - Alexander-Johnson Farm Solar Site Plan (updated landscaping).pdf9/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
20231211 - Alexander-Johnson Solar (Pet 4616) updated screening plan.pdf9/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
20240102 - Petition 4616 letter to ZBA.pdfPending
2307173-Alexander_Johnson Farm Solar - INDR no impact EcoCAT.pdf9/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
3. Appx B - Alexander Farm Survey 14384EXT.pdf9/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
4. Appx C - example equipment datasheets (4616).pdf9/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
5. Appx D - KaneSolar02 Delineation Report.pdf9/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
6. Appx E - Alexander Farm Solar LUO (file no 23-049).pdf9/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
7. Appx F - KaneSolar02 - INDR no impact EcoCAT.pdf9/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
8.1 Appx G - US FWS Alexander Farm Solar - Eastern Fringed Prairie Orchid guidelines.pdf9/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
8.2 Appx G - US FWS Alexander Farm Solar No Effect Consistency Letter NLEB Rangewide DKey 2023-06-27.pdf9/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
8.3 Appx G - US FWS Alexander Farm Solar Species List Chicago Ecological Service Field Office.pdf9/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
9.1 Appx H - Alexander decom plan.pdf9/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
9.2 Appx H - Decommissioning Estimate_Alexander_FINAL.pdf9/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
AIMA KaneSolar02 LLC Alexander (Kane) 2023 FULLY EXECUTED.pdf9/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
Alexander Farm Solar LUO (file no 23-049).pdf9/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
Alexander Farm Survey 14384EXT.pdf9/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
Applicant Response to Objectors - 4616 - Email.pdf9/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
Argent Statement for Nov. 21 Development Board Meeting.pdf9/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
ComEd Interconnection Agreement - 22-21256 Alexander Farm Solar.pdf9/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
Community Petition Against Solar Proposal 4616.pdf9/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
Copy of Gala's ZBA 11_14_23 copy.pdf9/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
Copy of Public comment Goodrich Zoning 11-14-23.pdf9/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
Copy of Public comment Haskin Zoning 11-14-23.pdf9/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
Copy of Public comment Svihlik Zoning 11-14-23.pdf9/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
Emailed Applicant Response Letters - 4616.pdf9/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
Exhibit A - Pet. 4616.pdf9/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
Exhibit B - Pet. 4616.pdf9/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
From Petitioner - All Properties.pdf9/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
From Petitioner - Easement View 1.pdf9/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
From Petitioner - Easement View 2.pdf9/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
From Petitioner - Meredith Access.pdf9/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
From Petitioner - Rt 38 Access.pdf9/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
Gala Argent Powerpoint – Part 1 of 2.pdfPending
Gala Argent Powerpoint – Part 2 of 2.pdfPending
Kane Petition 4616 Researchers Discover Solar Heat Island Effect Caused by Large.pdf9/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
Kane ZBA 1-3-24 Objection Letter.pdfPending
Kaneville Township Opposition - 4616.pdf9/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
Letter re Motion to Reconsider Zoning Petition 4616.pdfPending
Letter to Development Committee from Stuart Petersen.pdf9/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
Ltr to Kane County Development Committee.pdf9/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
Neighbor Comments - Pet. 4616.pdf9/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
Objector's letter dated 2-7-24.pdfPending
Opposition Petition.pdf9/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
Opposition to Solar Petition 4616.pdf9/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
Permit 4616 Anderson Solar Project Email.pdf9/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
Petition 4616 - Fire Hazard Statement.pdf9/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
Petition 4616 - ZBA Findings of Fact 1-11-24.pdfPending
Petition 4616 Written Protest.pdf9/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
Petition 4616 ZBA Findings of Fact 11 14 2023.pdf9/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
Petition 4616.pdf9/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
Petitioner’s Claims of Solar Impact on Grape Vine Report.pdf9/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
Petitioner’s PowerPoint for the 1-3-24 ZBA Meeting.pdfPending
Petitioner's letter dated 4-2-24.pdfPending
Protest to Zoning Petition 4616.pdf9/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
Request for Additional Continuance (4616).pdf9/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
Response to Mr. Melka's Letter- Petition 4616.pdfPending
Solar Farm Proposal 4616.pdf9/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
Special Use Permit 4616 - Kane Board Letter 12-11-23.pdf9/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
Updated Objector Petition to Petition 4616.pdfPending
US FWS Alexander Farm Solar - Eastern Fringed Prairie Orchid guidelines.pdf9/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
US FWS Alexander Farm Solar No Effect Consistency Letter NLEB Rangewide DKey 2023-06-27.pdf9/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
US FWS Alexander Farm Solar Species List Chicago Ecological Service Field Office.pdf9/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
Wetland Delineation Report - Alexander Farm Solar.pdf9/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
Zoning Meeting Exhibit A.pdf9/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
Zoning Meeting Exhibit B.pdf9/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
Zoning Meeting Exhibit C.pdf9/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
Zoning Meeting Exhibit D.pdf9/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
4615 - RPIL Solar 8 LLC | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4615.pdf9/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
Petitioner’s Continuance Request.pdf9/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
Petiton 4615 - RPIL Solar 8, LLC_County Board Update_11.9.23 (Ex.).pdf9/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
Plato Road SUP Applicaiton_Final.pdf9/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
Protect Rocket Hill Summary - Map.pdf9/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
Zoning Board meeting ZOOM chat.pdf9/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
4614 - Grand Electric | Michelle Gumz
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4614.pdf9/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
4613 - RPIL Solar 5 LLC | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Hwy 20 Proposed Solar Farm.pdf8/8/2023 7:00 PMPending
Hwy 20 Solar (RPIL Solar 5, LLC) SUP Application_6.20.23 (1).pdf9/12/2023 7:00 PMPending
Petition 4613.pdf8/8/2023 7:00 PMPending
4612 - Carl Kubiuk | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
5716 - 39W180 Highland Ave - Custom Color Site Concept Plan Overall 8-14-23 Ver 2.pdf8/8/2023 7:00 PMPending
5716 - 39W180 Highland Ave - Custom Color Site Concept Plan Site Aeriall 8-14-23 Ver 2.pdf8/8/2023 7:00 PMPending
COUNTY BOARD PP 4612.pdf8/8/2023 7:00 PMPending
Development Committee PowerPoint.pdf8/8/2023 7:00 PMPending
Emails from Objecting Property Owners (1 of 4).pdf8/8/2023 7:00 PMPending
Emails from Objecting Property Owners (2 of 4).pdf8/8/2023 7:00 PMPending
Emails from Objecting Property Owners (3 of 4).pdf8/8/2023 7:00 PMPending
Emails from Objecting Property Owners (4 of 4).pdf8/8/2023 7:00 PMPending
Emails in Support of Petition from Residents.pdf8/8/2023 7:00 PMPending
Initial Site Plan.pdf8/8/2023 7:00 PMPending
Mike Johnson Property Photo Exhibit (Pet. 4612).pdf7/11/2023 7:00 PMPending
Mike Johnson Property Photo Exhibit 2.pdf8/8/2023 7:00 PMPending
Objector Email - 4612 (5).pdf8/8/2023 7:00 PMPending
Petition 4612.pdf7/11/2023 7:00 PMPending
Site Photos from Petitioner - 4612 - 1 of 2.pdf7/11/2023 7:00 PMPending
Site Photos from Petitioner - 4612 - 2 of 2.pdf7/11/2023 7:00 PMPending
Staff Site Visit Presentation.pdf8/8/2023 7:00 PMPending
Wetlands Map Submittal.pdf8/8/2023 7:00 PMPending
4611 - Jolanta & Sebastian Barwiolek | Michael Linder
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4611.pdf7/11/2023 7:00 PMPending
4610 - G. Nadine Flint | Bill Lenert
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4610.pdf7/11/2023 7:00 PMPending
4609 - KaneSolar01 LLC | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
1. - Ruffolo written application FINAL.pdf6/13/2023 7:00 PMPending
2. Appendix A - Ruffolo solar site plan.pdf6/13/2023 7:00 PMPending
20230306 - Ruffolo Kane Co intro slides.pdf6/13/2023 7:00 PMPending
3. Appendix B - Ruffolo survey.pdf6/13/2023 7:00 PMPending
4. Appendix C - example equipment datasheets (4609).pdf6/13/2023 7:00 PMPending
5. Appendix D - 20221227 KaneSolar01 Wetland Delineation Report.pdf6/13/2023 7:00 PMPending
6. Appendix E - 23-008 LUO report (Ruffolo).pdf6/13/2023 7:00 PMPending
7. Appendix F - 2307172-Ruffolo Farm Solar Project - EcoCAT and INDR no-impact.pdf6/13/2023 7:00 PMPending
Certification of Neighboring Property Owner Form.pdf6/13/2023 7:00 PMPending
Petition 4609.pdf6/13/2023 7:00 PMPending
4608 - Adrian Talip | Alex Arroyo
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Full variance application_0001.pdfPending
Petition 4608.pdf6/13/2023 7:00 PMPending
4607 - Sunvest Solar | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Additional Documentation.pdf5/9/2023 7:00 PMPending
Decommissioning Plan.pdf5/9/2023 7:00 PMPending
Ed Butts Final testimony 4-24-23.pdf5/9/2023 7:00 PMPending
Petition 4607.pdf5/9/2023 7:00 PMPending
4606 - Malo Holdings LLC | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Additional Documentation - 4606.pdf5/9/2023 7:00 PMPending
High Have Extracts 39W433 Highland Ave Elgin - Signed Letter From Neighbor.pdf5/9/2023 7:00 PMPending
Petition 4606.pdf5/9/2023 7:00 PMPending
Responce to Kane Zoning standards for variances_05-09-2023.pdf5/9/2023 7:00 PMPending
4605 - Darryl Harner Trust | Bill Lenert
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4605.pdf3/14/2023 7:00 PMPending
4604 - Derek & Jamie Feiza | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4604.pdf3/14/2023 7:00 PMPending
4603 - Busey Bank | Bill Lenert
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
4603 - Busey Bank.pdf1/10/2023 7:00 PMPending
4602 - Fred Myers | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4602.pdf12/13/2022 7:00 PMPending
4601 - Frasz Family Trust | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4601.pdf11/2/2022 7:00 PMPending
4600 - Brian S. McCloud | Mohammad "Mo" Iqbal
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4600.pdf10/11/2022 7:00 PMPending
4599 - Deerpath Associates LLC | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4599.pdf9/13/2022 7:00 PMPending
4598 - Laura Lopez | Michelle Gumz
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
KDOT 2023-05-05 Montgomery Road Access comments.pdfPending
Petition 4598.pdf10/11/2022 7:00 PMPending
UPDATED SITE PLAN - Petition 4598.pdf11/2/2022 7:00 PMPending
4597 - Franco Pelagio / Solis Enterprise LLC. | Verner (Vern) Tepe
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4597.pdf7/12/2022 7:00 PMPending
4596 - Gum Family Farm | Bill Lenert
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4596.pdf7/12/2022 7:00 PMPending
4595 - Adalberto Sanchez-Arias | Gary Daugherty
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4595.pdf9/7/2022 7:00 PMPending
4594 - Steve Case | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4594.pdf6/14/2022 7:00 PMPending
4593 - Anthony Pferschy | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4593.pdf6/14/2022 7:00 PMPending
4592 - Faith and Grace Family Farm | Bill Lenert
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4592.pdf5/10/2022 7:00 PMPending
4591 - Brian Lenschow Farm Trust | Gary Daugherty
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4591.pdf5/10/2022 7:00 PMPending
4590 - Beary Landscape Management, Inc. | Michelle Gumz
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4590.pdf3/8/2022 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4589 - Thomas Family Trust | Gary Daugherty
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4589.pdf3/8/2022 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4588 - Fuller Abbott Properties, LLC | Gary Daugherty
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4588.pdf3/8/2022 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4587 - Michael Bryant / Kane Land Club, LLC | Alex Arroyo
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4587.pdf2/8/2022 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4586 - Patrick Caulfield | Leslie Juby
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4586.pdf1/11/2022 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4585 - David Gjordano | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4585 - KDOT Comments.pdf10/12/2021 7:00 PMPending
Petition 4585 - Setback Variance.pdf2/8/2022 7:00 PMPending
Petition 4585.pdf10/12/2021 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4584 - David Schuppenhauer | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4584.pdf10/12/2021 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4583 - Dan Leuer | Bill Lenert
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4583.pdf9/14/2021 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4582 - Donald Cinkus | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4582.pdf9/14/2021 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4581 - Francisco and Martha Esparza | Michelle Gumz
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4581.pdf9/14/2021 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4580 - Michelle McNish | Bill Tarver
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4580.pdf8/10/2021 7:00 PMPending
4579 - W. E. Mundy Landscaping & Garden Center | Dale Berman
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4579.pdf8/10/2021 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4578 - Blue Dolphin Properties, LLC - Bernet Acosta | Michelle Gumz
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4578.pdf6/8/2021 7:00 PMPending
4577 - Thaddeus & Elizabeth Skrzypek | Bill Roth
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4577.pdf6/8/2021 7:00 PMPending
4576 - Stephen Lammel | Leslie Juby
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4576.pdf6/8/2021 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4575 - Yolanda Melendez | Jon Gripe
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4575.pdf4/13/2021 7:00 PMPending
4574 - Deeke Farms, LLC | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4574.pdf4/13/2021 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4573 - Daniel and Ashley Entile | Bill Lenert
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4573.pdf4/13/2021 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4572 - Old Oak, LLC | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4572.pdf3/9/2021 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4571 - Ted Ranney | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4571.pdf2/9/2021 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4570 - Vernon and Diane Long | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4570.pdf2/9/2021 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4569 - Martha Cabral | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4569.pdf2/9/2021 7:00 PMDenied
4568 - Kane County Forest Preserve - Pouley Road | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4568.pdf1/12/2021 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4567 - Anderson Animal Shelter | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4567.pdf1/12/2021 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4566 - Mar & Celi Subdivision / Ruben Hernandez | Michelle Gumz
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4566.pdf1/12/2021 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4565 - Boss Automotive, Inc. | Gary Daugherty
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4565.pdf12/8/2020 7:00 PMPending
4564 - M-Wave Networks, LLC | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4564.pdf12/8/2020 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4563 - Morningstar Community Church | Bill Lenert
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4563.pdf12/8/2020 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4562 - Linda McConnell | Alex Arroyo
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4562.pdf11/10/2020 7:00 PMPending
4561 - Alex Kelmendi | Chris Kious
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4561.pdf10/13/2020 7:00 PMPending
4560 - Rick & Mary Thielen | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4560.pdf10/13/2020 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4559 - Thomas & Joan Patterman | Bill Lenert
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4559.pdf10/13/2020 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4558 - Jon Kassaros | Bill Roth
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4558.pdf9/8/2020 7:00 PMPending
4557 - Mary Coffey & Joe Reckinger (URSANAV & Parable Broadcasting) | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4557 - Map.pdf9/8/2020 7:00 PMApproved by COB
Petition 4557 - Staff Report.pdf9/8/2020 7:00 PMApproved by COB
Petition 4557.pdf9/8/2020 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4556 - Gary Morettin, et ux. (Matt Scudder) | Bill Lenert
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4556.pdf8/11/2020 7:00 PMPending
4555 - Development Properties, Inc. (Tentinger Landscaping) | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4555.pdf8/11/2020 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4554 - Development Properties, Inc. (Logan and Susan Wilding) | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4554.pdf7/14/2020 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4553 - Development Properties, Inc. (Wade and Kim Kuipers) | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4553.pdf7/14/2020 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4552 - Kane County Forest Preserve District | Bill Lenert
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4552.pdf7/13/2020 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4551 - Lazaro Villa | Michelle Gumz
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4551.pdf7/13/2020 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4550 - John Fusek, et ux | Bill Lenert
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4550.pdf7/13/2020 7:00 PMPending
4549 - Heartland Bank & Trust Company | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4549.pdf7/13/2020 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4548 - Doug Gibble | Bill Roth
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Location Map.pdf5/12/2020 7:00 PMPending
Petition 4548.pdf5/12/2020 7:00 PMPending
4547 - ETO Chicago, LLC | Bill Roth
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4547 - HOA Proposal with Attachments.pdfPending
Petition 4547 - Staff Report.pdf6/9/2020 7:00 PMPending
Petition 4547.pdf6/9/2020 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4546 - Lynn Landmeier, et al | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4546.pdf6/9/2020 7:00 PMPending
4545 - Gerald Fabrizuis, et ux/ Catholic Bishop of Rockford | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Aerial Photo.pdf5/12/2020 7:00 PMPending
Cemetery Staff Report 3-23-20.pdf5/12/2020 7:00 PMPending
Petition 4545.pdf5/12/2020 7:00 PMApproved by COB
Special Use Application.pdf5/12/2020 7:00 PMPending
4544 - Edward Heyer, et al | Bill Lenert
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4544.pdf3/10/2020 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4543 - Fitzgerald Real Estate Holdings | Bill Lenert
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4543.pdf3/10/2020 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4542 - Jenny Weber, et ux | Gary Daugherty
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4542.pdf2/11/2020 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4541 - Angel Associates, LP | Jon Gripe
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4541.pdf2/11/2020 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4540 - Old Second National Bank Trust #4278 | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4540.pdf1/14/2020 7:00 PMPending
4539 - Dennis Mascolo, et ux | Gary Daugherty
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4539.pdf1/14/2020 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4538 - Anthony Nilges | Alex Arroyo
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4538.pdf3/10/2020 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4537 - Daniel Imse | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Objection from Village of Campton Hills 2-10-20.pdfPending
Petition 4537.pdf1/14/2020 7:00 PMDenied
Protest Petition.pdfPending
4536 - 38W654, LLC | Mohammad "Mo" Iqbal
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4536.pdf1/14/2020 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4535 - Brian McLean, et ux | Bill Roth
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Acoustiblok16 Product Data Sheet.pdfPending
Armstrong Opposition letter 5-21-20.pdfPending
Besch objection letter 2-10-20.pdfPending
Besch objection letter 2-8-20.pdfPending
Comments by the Attorney for the Petitioner 6-9-20.pdfPending
Davila Opposition letter 5-23-20.pdfPending
DeYoung letter of Support 6-8-20.pdfPending
Exhibit B Aerial Photo - KC GIS 10-13-19.pdfPending
Exhibit D McLean-The Pet Ranch 674127Developmemt 12-24-19.pdfPending
Farag Opposition letter 5-20-20.pdfPending
Farber Objection letter.pdfPending
Final D&T POS - 674127 D 11-14-2019.pdfPending
Findings of Fact Objection Letter - Besch.pdfPending
Gamster objection letter 2-10-20.pdfPending
Govea Opposition letter 5-26-20.pdfPending
Grant Opposition letter 5-21-20.pdfPending
Huddleston Drain Tile Mapping 1-15-20.pdfPending
Jeff Jordan RE Expert.pdfPending
John Hoscheit comments 2-10-20.pdfPending
John Orin Appraisal Report 3-2-20.pdfPending
Johnson objection letter 2-10-20.pdfPending
Johnson objection letter 2-6-20.pdfPending
Johnson Objection letter 6-8-20.pdfPending
Johnson Objection letter.pdfPending
Kautz Road DuPage County Airport corridor - July 2019.pdfPending
Lambert Opposition letter 5-20-20.pdfPending
Letter of Objection - Besch.pdfPending
Letter of Objection - Ganek.pdfPending
Letter of Objection - Johnson.pdfPending
Letter of Objection for Development Committee - Besch.pdfPending
Lund Opposition letter 5-20-20.pdfPending
Mike Drapek 1.pdfPending
Mike Drapek 2.pdfPending
Miller objection letter 2-7-20.pdfPending
Orin Appraisal on Value Loss - Kautz Road Property revised 3-2-2020.pdfPending
Petition 4535 - Final Stipulations.pdfPending
Petition 4535.pdf12/10/2019 7:00 PMDenied
Petition of Objection.pdfPending
Scheffler Opposition letter 5-21-20.pdfPending
Septic Design 2-25-20.pdfPending
Stipulation-Final Amended-Brief Plan Outline SIGNED 2-8-20.pdfPending
Stipulation-Final Amended-Brief Plan Outline SIGNED 3-12-20.pdfPending
Stipulations - Final Amended Brief Plan Outline SIGNED 1-19-20.pdfPending
4534 - Alexandra A. Thompson / ATG Trust #L006-084 | Leslie Juby
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4534.pdf12/10/2019 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4533 - Ken Knierim, et ux | Bill Lenert
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Dale and Norine Peterson County Board objection letter.pdfPending
Dale and Sue Peterson letter.pdfPending
Exhibit 1 - Phelps Objection Letter.pdfPending
Exhibit 2 - Peterson Objection Letter.pdfPending
Exhibit 3 - Flooding Photos.pdfPending
Exhibit 4 - Property Map.pdfPending
Exhibit 5 - Water Resources Division Comments 3-10-20.pdfPending
Norrain Phelps photographs.pdfPending
Petition 4533.pdf3/10/2020 7:00 PMApproved by COB
Phelps questions for Dev. Comm. Meeting.pdfPending
4532 - Margaret O'Leary Trust | Jon Gripe
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4532.pdf12/2/2019 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4531 - Saul Salazar | Chris Kious
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4531.pdf12/2/2019 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4530 - Robert Brunette Trust | Gary Daugherty
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4530.pdf12/2/2019 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4529 - Mark Turk, et ux | Gary Daugherty
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4529.pdf11/12/2019 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4528 - Eric Zimmerman | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4528.pdf11/12/2019 7:00 PMApproved by COB
Response Letter - Campton Hills 5-13-20.pdfPending
4527 - John Gunderson | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4527.pdf11/12/2019 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4526 - Old Second Bank Trust #51/52 | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4526.pdf10/8/2019 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4525 - Old Second Bank Trust #51/52 | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4525.pdf10/8/2019 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4524 - Russell Splain | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4524.pdf10/8/2019 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4523 - Cynthia Vargas | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4523.pdf10/8/2019 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4522 - Joseph DeCort, et ux | Bill Lenert
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4522.pdf10/8/2019 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4520 - Jacob Dohm, et al | Mohammad "Mo" Iqbal
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Exhibit C - The Alcove Sound Study.pdfPending
Exhibit D - Local Business Support Letter.pdfPending
Exhibit E - Alcove Landscape Letter.pdfPending
Exhibit F - Community and Economic Development Reference Letter.pdfPending
Historic Preservation Memo.pdfPending
Petition 4520.pdf10/8/2019 7:00 PMPending
Petition of Objectors.pdfPending
4519 - Juan Guerrero | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4519.pdf9/10/2019 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4518 - Thomas Getzelman, et ux | Gary Daugherty
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4518.pdf9/10/2019 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4517 - BDA Properties, LLC (Kellenberger) | Mohammad "Mo" Iqbal
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
01_4517 Request for Minor Variance Letter (2025-02-04).pdf3/18/2025 10:30 AMPending
02_4517 Revised Site Plan (2024-12-12).pdf3/18/2025 10:30 AMPending
03_4517 Approving Ordinance (2019-10-08).pdf3/18/2025 10:30 AMPending
04_4517 Original Site Plan (2019-02-27).pdf3/18/2025 10:30 AMPending
Additional Site Plan referred to in Testimony.pdfPending
Petition 4517.pdf9/10/2019 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4516 - Salvador Tovar | Dale Berman
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4516.pdf8/13/2019 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4515 - Thomas Gould | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4515.pdf8/13/2019 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4514 - Tianguis, LLC | Clifford Surges
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Ex. 1 - Violation Letter 10-15-19.pdfPending
Ex. 2 - Petition Objecting to Milk Pail.pdfPending
Ex. 3 - Violation Letter 10-3-19 (2).pdfPending
Ex. 4 - Noise Data Summary.pdfPending
Ex. 5 - Denial Letter 10-18-19.pdfPending
Letter of Objection 10-10-19.pdfPending
Max McGraw Objection Letter to the County Board 11-8-19.pdfPending
Max McGraw objection.pdfPending
Milk Pail Updated Site Plan.pdfPending
Petition 4514.pdf8/13/2019 7:00 PMPending
4513 - Huntley Road, LLC | Gary Daugherty
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4513.pdf7/9/2019 7:00 PMPending
4512 - John Clarkin | Bill Lenert
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4512.pdf7/9/2019 7:00 PMPending
4511 - Ridgeway Partners, LLC (Mid America Energy Services, Inc) | Mavis Bates
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
4511 - Staff Report.pdf7/9/2019 7:00 PMPending
Petition 4511.pdf7/9/2019 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4510 - John Ament, et ux | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
4510 - Staff Report.pdf7/9/2019 7:00 PMPending
Petition 4510.pdf7/9/2019 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4509 - M Club Trust | Leslie Juby
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4509.pdf7/9/2019 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4508 - Prairie Lane, LLC (LaFarge Aggregates Illinois) | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
4508 - Exhibit A.pdfApproved by COB
4508 - Exhibit B.pdfApproved by COB
4508 - Exhibit C.pdfApproved by COB
4508 - Exhibit D-1.pdfApproved by COB
4508 - Exhibit D-2.pdfApproved by COB
4508 - Meredith Proposed Land Use & Reclamation Plans.pdf7/9/2019 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4508 - Staff Report.pdf7/9/2019 7:00 PMApproved by COB
CBBEL Rpt. - Summary of Existing Groundwater Info. - Exhibit 1 9-10-19.pdfPending
CBBEL Rpt. - Summary of Existing Groundwater Info. 9-10-19.pdfPending
Letter dated 9-11-19 from Attorney James Cooke.pdfPending
Petition 4508.pdf7/9/2019 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4507 - Irene Romke | Gary Daugherty
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4507.pdf6/11/2019 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4506 - Diannah Perez | Bill Roth
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4506.pdf6/11/2019 7:00 PMApproved by ZBA
4505 - 64 Storage, LLC | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4505.pdf6/11/2019 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4504 - John Neperman Trust (Beth Gehrke) | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4504.pdf6/11/2019 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4503 - John Neperman Trust (Beth Gehrke) | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4503.pdf6/11/2019 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4502 - Bahr Property, LLC (Ruizscape Construction, Inc.) | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4502.pdf5/14/2019 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4501 - Roger Warner, et ux | Bill Roth
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4501.pdf5/14/2019 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4500 - Ted Meyers, et ux & Anna M. Hurst (White House, LLC) | Jon Gripe
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Additional Correspondence.pdf5/14/2019 7:00 PMPending
Additional Objector Letter.pdf5/14/2019 7:00 PMPending
Land Use Opinions.pdf5/14/2019 7:00 PMPending
Objector's Letters.pdf5/14/2019 7:00 PMPending
Objector's Petitions.pdf5/14/2019 7:00 PMPending
Petition 4500.pdf5/14/2019 7:00 PMPending
Petition Submitted to Staff on May 13.pdfPending
4499 - James D. Muetze | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4499.pdf4/9/2019 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4498 - Equestrian Events, LLC | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4498.pdf4/9/2019 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4497 - Marklund Charities | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4497.pdf4/9/2019 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4496 - West Watson, LLC | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
2019-03-11 Drainage Plan.pdf3/12/2019 7:00 PMPending
Colorized site plan.pdf3/12/2019 7:00 PMPending
Petition 4496.pdf3/12/2019 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4495 - Casey Clark | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4495.pdfPending
4494 | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4494.pdf2/26/2019 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4493 | Bill Roth
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4493.pdf2/26/2019 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4492 | Gary Daugherty
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4492.pdf2/26/2019 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4491 | Michelle Gumz
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Follow up stormwater comments.pdfPending
Neighbor's exhibit.pdfPending
Petition 4491.pdf2/26/2019 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4490 | Gary Daugherty
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4490.pdf2/13/2019 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4489 | Bill Lenert
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4489.pdf1/8/2019 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4488 | Alex Arroyo
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4488.pdf1/8/2019 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4487 | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4487.pdf1/8/2019 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4486 | Gary Daugherty
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4486.pdf1/8/2019 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4485 | Bill Roth
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4485.pdf12/11/2018 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4484 | Leslie Juby
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4484.pdf12/11/2018 7:00 PMApproved by ZBA
4483 | Bill Roth
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4483.pdf12/11/2018 7:00 PMApproved by COB
St. Charles Twp. - Brookwood Lane widening.pdfPending
4482 Exhibits
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Exhibit 1.pdfPending
Exhibit 2.pdfPending
Exhibit 3.pdfPending
Exhibit 4.pdfPending
Exhibit 5.pdfPending
Exhibit 6.pdfPending
4482 | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Cohen Reznick Presentation.pdfPending
CR - SunVest - Property Value Impact Study - Kane County - Proposed SV C.pdfPending
Glare Study.pdfPending
Health Department Comments.pdfPending
IL Department of Natural Resources Report.pdfPending
Kane County DOT Comments.pdfPending
Land Use Opinion Report.pdfPending
Petition 4482.pdf12/11/2018 7:00 PMDenied
Plato Township Position Letter.pdfPending
Southwind CSG Site Plan.pdfPending
SunVest Site Photo North View Rendering.jpgPending
SunVest Site Photo North View.JPGPending
SunVest Site Photo Rendering.jpgPending
SunVest Site Photo.JPGPending
Water Resources Comments.pdfPending
4481 | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4481.pdf12/11/2018 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4480 | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4480.pdf12/11/2018 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4479 | Gary Daugherty
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4479.pdf11/14/2018 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4478 | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4478.pdf11/14/2018 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4477 | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4477.pdf11/14/2018 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4476 | Dale Berman
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4476.pdf11/14/2018 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4475 | Jon Gripe
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4475.pdf11/14/2018 7:00 PMPending
4474 | Jon Gripe
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4474.pdf11/1/2018 7:00 PMApproved by COB
Right-of-way setback variance request.pdfPending
4473 | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
190212 Response Memo Re Municipal Input-2.pdf2/13/2019 7:00 PMPending
Comments from Ted Bethke.pdf2/13/2019 7:00 PMPending
Comments Received 4473.pdf2/13/2019 7:00 PMPending
Exhibit A - Site PLan.pdf2/13/2019 7:00 PMPending
Exhibit B - Neighbor Cards.pdf2/13/2019 7:00 PMPending
Petition 4473.pdf11/1/2018 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4472 | Jon Gripe
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
North Bittersweet Road Site Plan - 9-12-19.pdfPending
North Bittersweet Road Site Plan Aerial - 9-11-19.pdfPending
Petition 4472.pdf10/9/2018 7:00 PMApproved by COB
received 8-20-19 - Doc 1932793 - Malme Deed in Trust.pdfPending
received 8-20-19 - Doc 91K52520 - Trustee's Deed to Krempel.pdfPending
received 8-20-19 - Revised Alignment.pdfPending
received 8-20-19 - Revised Site Dev Plan 3-1-19.pdfPending
Revised EDS Waste Water System design - 9-5-19.pdfPending
4471 | Jon Gripe
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4471.pdf10/9/2018 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4470 | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4470.pdf10/9/2018 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4469 | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4469.pdf9/27/2018 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4468 | Mohammad "Mo" Iqbal
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4468.pdf9/27/2018 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4467 | Bill Roth
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4467.pdf9/27/2018 7:00 PMPending
4466 | Leslie Juby
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4466.pdf9/27/2018 7:00 PMPending
4465 | Bill Roth
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4465.pdf9/11/2018 7:00 PMPending
4464 | Bill Roth
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4464.pdf9/11/2018 7:00 PMPending
4463 | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4463.pdf9/11/2018 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4462 | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
8-1-18 ZBA Meeting Minutes CONDENSED.pdf8/7/2018 7:30 PMPending
8-1-18 ZBA Meeting Minutes FULL SIZE.pdf8/7/2018 7:30 PMPending
8-7-18 ZBA Meeting Minutes CONDENSED.pdf8/7/2018 7:30 PMPending
8-7-18 ZBA Meeting Minutes FULL SIZE.pdf8/7/2018 7:30 PMPending
Conditions Table for County Board from 5-9-2017.pdf8/7/2018 7:30 PMPending
Consent Decree Ex. 1 - Legal Description.pdf8/7/2018 7:30 PMPending
Consent Decree Ex. 2 - Petition 4364 Application.pdf8/7/2018 7:30 PMPending
Consent Decree Ex. 3 - Ordinance - FINAL 7.12.18.pdf8/7/2018 7:30 PMPending
Consent Decree Ex. 4 - Model Compliance Report.pdf8/7/2018 7:30 PMPending
Consent Decree Ex. 5 - Maxxam Partners LLC Site Plan.pdf8/7/2018 7:30 PMPending
Consent Decree Ex. 6 - Fence location drawing.pdf8/7/2018 7:30 PMPending
Consent Decree Ex. 7 - Fence sample depiction.pdf8/7/2018 7:30 PMPending
Consent Decree SUBJECT TO THE COURT'S APPROVAL.pdf8/7/2018 7:30 PMPending
Ex. 2 Petition 4364 Application.pdf8/7/2018 7:00 PMPending
July 12, 2018 letter to Kane County Development Department.pdf8/7/2018 7:00 PMPending
Proposed Consent Decree Compared to ZBA and Development Committee Proposed Conditions from 5-9-2018.pdf8/7/2018 7:30 PMPending
ZBA Hearing Ex. 1 - Part 1 (Proposed Consent Decree).pdf8/7/2018 7:30 PMPending
ZBA Hearing Ex. 1 - Part 2 (legal description).pdf8/7/2018 7:30 PMPending
ZBA Hearing Ex. 1 - Part 3 (draft ordinance).pdf8/7/2018 7:30 PMPending
ZBA Hearing Ex. 1 - Part 4 (CD - Ordinance).pdf8/7/2018 7:30 PMPending
ZBA Hearing Ex. 1 - Part 5 (Model Compliance Report).pdf8/7/2018 7:30 PMPending
ZBA Hearing Ex. 1 - Part 6 (Site Plan).pdf8/7/2018 7:30 PMPending
ZBA Hearing Ex. 1 - Part 7 (Fence drawing).pdf8/7/2018 7:30 PMPending
ZBA Hearing Ex. 1 - Part 8 (Fence sample).pdf8/7/2018 7:30 PMPending
ZBA Hearing Ex. 2 (Notice Mailed and List of Addressees).pdf8/7/2018 7:30 PMPending
ZBA Hearing Ex. 3 (Notices Published in Local Newspapers).pdf8/7/2018 7:30 PMPending
ZBA Hearing Ex. 4 (sign photo).pdf8/7/2018 7:30 PMPending
ZBA Hearing Ex. 5 (correspondence to ZBA).pdf8/7/2018 7:30 PMPending
ZBA Hearing Ex. 6 (Joseph Miller Campton Township Trustee Letter to ZBA).pdf8/7/2018 7:30 PMPending
ZBA Hearing Ex. 7 (Campton Township Nat Res Map).pdf8/7/2018 7:30 PMPending
4461 | Chris Kious
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4461.pdf7/30/2018 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4460 | Alex Arroyo
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4460.pdf7/30/2018 7:00 PMPending
4459 | Bill Lenert
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4459.pdf7/30/2018 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4458 | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4458.pdf7/30/2018 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4457 | Chris Kious
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4457.pdf6/25/2018 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4456 | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4456.pdf6/25/2018 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4455 | Dale Berman
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4455.pdf6/25/2018 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4454 | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4454.pdf6/25/2018 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4453 | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4453.pdf6/25/2018 7:00 PMPending
4452 | Leslie Juby
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4452.pdf6/25/2018 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4451 | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Overall Drainage Plan 4451.pdf3/12/2019 7:00 PMPending
Petition 4451.pdf3/12/2019 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4450 | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Neighbor Exhibits from the 3-19 Develop Committee Meeting.pdfPending
Overall Drainage Plan 4450.pdf3/12/2019 7:00 PMPending
Petition 4450.pdf3/12/2019 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4449 | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4449.pdf6/12/2018 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4448 | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4448.pdf5/7/2018 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4447 | Bill Lenert
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4447.pdf5/7/2018 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4446 | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4446.pdf5/7/2018 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4445 | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4445.pdf5/7/2018 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4444 | Bill Roth
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4444.pdf4/10/2018 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4443 | Chris Kious
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4443.pdf3/13/2018 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4442 | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4442.pdf3/13/2018 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4441 | Verner (Vern) Tepe
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4441.pdf3/13/2018 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4440 | Jon Gripe
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4440.pdf3/13/2018 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4439 | Gary Daugherty
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4439.pdf2/13/2018 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4438 | Bill Lenert
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4438.pdf2/13/2018 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4437 | Gary Daugherty
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4437.pdf2/13/2018 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4436 | Mohammad "Mo" Iqbal
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4436.pdf2/13/2018 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4435 | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4435.pdf12/12/2017 7:00 PMPending
4434 | Mohammad "Mo" Iqbal
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4434.pdf12/12/2017 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4433 | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4433.pdf12/12/2017 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4432 | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4432.pdf12/12/2017 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4431 | Mohammad "Mo" Iqbal
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4431.pdf10/10/2017 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4430 | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4430.pdf10/10/2017 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4429 | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4429.pdf10/10/2017 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4428 | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4428.pdf9/12/2017 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4427 | Mohammad "Mo" Iqbal
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4427.pdf9/12/2017 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4426 | Gary Daugherty
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4426.pdf8/8/2017 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4425 | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4425.pdf8/8/2017 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4424 | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4424.pdf8/8/2017 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4423 | Leslie Juby
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4423.pdf8/8/2017 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4422 | Gary Daugherty
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4422.pdf7/11/2017 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4421 | Leslie Juby
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4421.pdf7/11/2017 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4420 | Leslie Juby
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4420.pdf7/11/2017 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4419 | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4419.pdf7/11/2017 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4418 | Gary Daugherty
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4418.pdf3/14/2017 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4417 | Leslie Juby
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4417.pdf3/14/2017 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4416 | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4416.pdf3/14/2017 7:00 PMDenied
4415 | Jon Gripe
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4415.pdf3/14/2017 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4414 | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4414.pdf2/7/2017 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4413 | Bill Lenert
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4413.pdf2/7/2017 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4412 | Bill Lenert
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4412.pdf2/7/2017 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4411 | Bill Roth
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4411.pdf2/7/2017 7:00 PMPending
4410 | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4410.pdf1/4/2017 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4409 | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4409.pdf1/4/2017 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4408 | Gary Daugherty
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4408.pdf1/4/2017 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4407 | Gary Daugherty
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4407.pdf12/7/2016 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4406 | Jon Gripe
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4406.pdf12/7/2016 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4405 | Chris Kious
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4405.pdf12/7/2016 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4404 | Verner (Vern) Tepe
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4404.pdf11/2/2016 7:00 PMApproved by ZBA
4403 | Bill Lenert
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4403.pdf11/2/2016 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4402 | Gary Daugherty
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4402.pdf11/2/2016 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4400 | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4400.pdf10/5/2016 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4399 | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4399.pdf10/5/2016 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4398 | Chris Kious
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4398.pdf10/5/2016 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4397 | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4397.pdf10/5/2016 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4396 | Alex Arroyo
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4396.pdf9/13/2016 7:00 PMDenied
4395 | Mohammad "Mo" Iqbal
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4395.pdf9/13/2016 7:00 PMDenied
4394 | Mohammad "Mo" Iqbal
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4394.pdf9/13/2016 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4393 | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4393.pdf9/13/2016 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4392 | Bill Lenert
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4392.pdf9/13/2016 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4391 | Bill Roth
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4391.pdf9/13/2016 7:00 PMDenied
4390 | Sonia Garcia
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4390.pdf8/9/2016 7:00 PMDenied
4389 | Michelle Gumz
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4389.pdf8/9/2016 7:00 PMPending
4388 | Chris Kious
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4388.pdf8/9/2016 7:00 PMPending
4387 | Gary Daugherty
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4387.pdf8/9/2016 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4386 | Bill Roth
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4386.pdf7/12/2016 7:00 PMPending
4385 | Bill Roth
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4385.pdf7/12/2016 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4383 | Jon Gripe
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4383.pdf6/14/2016 7:00 PMApproved by ZBA
4382 | Alex Arroyo
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4382.pdf6/14/2016 7:00 PMApproved by ZBA
4381 | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4381.pdf6/14/2016 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4380 | Leslie Juby
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
City of Batavia comments.pdfPending
City of Geneva comments.pdfPending
Petition 4380.pdf6/14/2016 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4379 | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4379.pdf6/14/2016 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4378 | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Addendum - MA CENTER MONUMENT SIGN.pdfApproved by COB
Amendment to Application.pdfApproved by COB
Conceptual Building Sections.pdfApproved by COB
MA Center Additional Documentation.pdfApproved by COB
Memorandum of Opposition.pdfApproved by COB
Petition 4378.pdf5/10/2016 7:00 PMApproved by COB
Petitioner's clarification of information.pdfApproved by COB
Supplemental Memorandum of Objection.pdfApproved by COB
4377 | Gary Daugherty
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4377.pdf4/12/2016 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4376 | Gary Daugherty
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4376.pdf4/12/2016 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4375 | Verner (Vern) Tepe
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4375.pdf4/12/2016 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4373 | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4373.pdf3/8/2016 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4372 | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4372.pdf1/12/2016 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4371 | Ted Penesis
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4371.pdf12/8/2015 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4370 | Alex Arroyo
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4370.pdf11/10/2015 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4369 | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
petition 4369.pdf11/10/2015 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4368 | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4368.pdf11/10/2015 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4367 | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4367.pdf11/10/2015 7:00 PMApproved by ZBA
4366 | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4366.pdf10/13/2015 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4365 | Bill Roth
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4365.pdf10/13/2015 7:00 PMApproved by ZBA
4364 Zoning Request Report | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Zoning Request Report 12-11-2015.pdf12/14/2015 7:00 PMPending
4364 Transcripts of Meetings | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
11-10-15 ZBA Meeting.pdfPending
Petition 4364 Hearing 111715.pdfDenied
ZBA 2-9-16 Meeting Minutes.pdfPending
ZBA Minutes 1-10-17.pdfPending
ZBA Minutes 1-12-17.pdfPending
ZBA Minutes 1-19-16.pdfPending
ZBA Minutes 1-21-16.pdfPending
ZBA Minutes 12-14-15 Petition 4364.pdfPending
ZBA Minutes 12-15-15 Petition 4364.pdfPending
ZBA Minutes 1-24-17.pdfPending
ZBA Minutes 1-26-16.pdfPending
ZBA Minutes 1-26-17.pdfPending
ZBA Minutes 1-28-16.pdfPending
ZBA Minutes 2-1-16.pdfPending
ZBA Minutes 2-21-17.pdfPending
ZBA Minutes 2-2-16.pdfPending
ZBA Minutes 2-9-17.pdfPending
4364 Petition Submittals 12-5-2016 | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Letters of Conditions 12 5 2016.pdfPending
4364 Petition Submittals 12 14 2015 | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
4364 Petition Submittals 12 14 2015 (1 of 2).pdf12/14/2015 12:00 AMPending
4364 Petition Submittals 12 14 2015 (2 of 2).pdf12/14/2015 12:00 AMPending
Petitioner's presentation.pdfPending
Presentation overview.pdfPending
Witness list.pdfPending
4364 Petition Submittals | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
01 A Fully executed Kane County Application.pdf12/14/2015 7:00 PMPending
Aerial Photo - Sidwell.pdfPending
C. Murer CV.pdfPending
Certification of Notification of Prop Owners.pdfPending
Chris Lannert Resume.pdfPending
Consultation Termination Report.pdfPending
Final Executive Summary Report.pdfPending
Glenwood Substance Abuse and Eating Disorder Facility (Material For PPT).docxPending
Holland and Knight Legal Opinion.pdfPending
John H Curtiss - The Retreat Letter Expert Opinion June 30.pdfPending
Kane and Dupage - Land Use Opinion.pdfPending
KLOA - Summary Traffic Evaluation.pdfPending
Lannert Exhibit - Final.pdfPending
letter re-land use opinion.pdfPending
MaRous Impact Study.pdfPending
MEMO - Murer Consultants - Similarity to Hospital.pdfPending
Meyers and Flowers Opinion.pdfPending
Petition 4364 Maxxam Partners LLC.pdfDenied
Photographs of Property and Improvements.pdfPending
Poletti Impact Study.pdfPending
Sheaffer and Roland Inc. Water and Wastewater System Evaluation June 2015.pdfPending
Signed Endorsed ALTA Survey.pdfPending
Site Plan.pdfPending
Soil and Water -Land Use Opinion (E-mails).pdfPending
4364 Petition Amendments Nov. 5 2015 | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Ltr to County 11-4-15.pdfPending
Maxxam - Delaware Formation Documents.pdfPending
Maxxam - Rider 11.5.2015.pdfPending
Maxxam - Rider Pages 18-19 11.5.2015.pdfPending
4364 Orders to Compel Appearance | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Orders to compel appearance.pdfPending
4364 Notice and Letters to adj prop and units of gov | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
12 23 2016 Notice and letters to adj prop and units of gov.pdfPending
4364 List of Conditions Table for 2/19/17 Meeting | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
List of Conditions Table for 2_9_17 meeting.pdfPending
4364 List of Conditions for April 18, 2017 Development Committee | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
List of Conditions for April 18, 2017 Development Committee.pdf4/18/2017 10:00 AMPending
4364 January 2017 ZBA Meeting Notice | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
January 2017 ZBA Meeting Notice.pdfPending
4364 Exhibits submitted January 26 2017 | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Exhibits K, L and FD6 submitted January 26 2017.pdfPending
4364 Exhibits submitted January 12 2017 | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Exhibits submitted January 12 2017.pdfPending
4364 Exhibits submitted January 10 2017 | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Exhibits submitted January 10 2017.pdfPending
4364 Exhibits Submitted at Public Hearings | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Exhibit - P10.pdfPending
Exhibit - P11.pdfPending
Exhibit A_9 Part1.pdfPending
Exhibit A_9 Part2.pdfPending
Exhibit A11.pdfPending
Exhibit A12.pdfPending
Exhibit A15.pdfPending
Exhibit A20.pdfPending
Exhibit A3.pdfPending
Exhibit A-8.pdfPending
Exhibit J-15.pdfPending
Exhibit J18.pdfPending
Exhibit J-19.pdfPending
Exhibit J-2.pdfPending
Exhibit J-20.pdfPending
Exhibit J-24.pdfPending
4364 Exhibits submitted at January 24 2017 | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Exhibits FD 1 - FD 3 submitted at January 24, 2017, ZBA Public Hearing.pdfPending
Exhibits F-J submitted at January 24, 2017, ZBA Public Hearing.pdfPending
4364 Correspondence Received | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Campton Hills Mission Statement.pdfPending
Campton Township Land Use Plan.pdfPending
Campton Township letter and resolution.pdfPending
County analysis 10.2.15.pdfPending
Kane County Sheriff Department Comments.pdfPending
Letter to Kane County (Resolution 16-02).pdfPending
Letter to Kane County _Maxxam process.pdfPending
Memo to Board re FHA (Maxxam).pdfPending
Objector’s request to continue December Zoning Board meeting.pdfPending
Plato Township Resolution.pdfPending
R-16-02 Campton Hills Maxxam resolution (standards).pdfPending
Village of Campton Hills R-15-18.pdfPending
4364 Appeal in relation to Petition 4364 Oct. 30 2015 | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Carrara ZBA Appeal Hearing Exhibits.pdfPending
Holland Knight submittal 11 17 2015.pdfPending
Memorandum Response 11.23.15.pdfPending
Meyers Flowers submittal 11 17 2015.pdfPending
Notice of Appeal for decision in relation to Petition 4364.pdfDenied
ZBA Decision Regarding the Appeal 11 23 2015.pdfDenied
ZBA Memo regarding Appeal related to Maxxam Petition.pdfPending
ZBA Memo regarding other Special Use petitions requested under dd other uses similar.pdfPending
4363 | Gary Daugherty
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4363.pdf9/8/2015 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4362 | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4362.pdf9/8/2015 7:00 PMApproved by ZBA
4361 | Bill Lenert
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4361.pdf9/8/2015 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4360 | Bill Lenert
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4360.pdf8/11/2015 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4359 | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4359.pdf9/8/2015 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4358 | Bill Lenert
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4358.pdf8/11/2015 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4357 | Bill Lenert
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4357.pdf8/11/2015 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4356 | Gary Daugherty
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4356.pdf7/14/2015 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4355 | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4355.pdf7/14/2015 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4354 | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4354.pdf7/14/2015 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4353 | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4353.pdf6/9/2015 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4352 | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4352.pdf6/9/2015 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4351 | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4351.pdf6/9/2015 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4350 | Bill Tarver
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4350.pdf6/9/2015 7:00 PMPending
4349 | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4349.pdf6/9/2015 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4348 | Bill Roth
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4348.pdf5/12/2015 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4347 | Leslie Juby
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4347.pdf5/12/2015 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4346 | Bill Roth
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Addendum 1.pdfPending
Petition 4346.pdf4/14/2015 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4345 | Bill Roth
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4345.pdf4/14/2015 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4344 | Gary Daugherty
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4344.pdf4/14/2015 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4343 | Ted Penesis
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4343.pdf3/11/2015 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4342 | Gary Daugherty
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4342.pdf3/11/2015 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4341 | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4341.pdf3/11/2015 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4340 | Bill Lenert
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
petition 4340.pdf3/11/2015 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4339 | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4339.pdf2/11/2015 7:00 PMPending
4338 | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4338.pdf2/11/2015 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4337 | Bill Lenert
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4337.pdf2/11/2015 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4336 | Verner (Vern) Tepe
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4336.pdf1/6/2015 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4335 | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4335.pdf1/6/2015 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4334 | Gary Daugherty
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4334.pdf1/6/2015 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4333 | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4333.pdf12/3/2014 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4332 | Jon Gripe
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4332.pdf12/3/2014 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4331 | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4331.pdf12/3/2014 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4330 | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4330.pdf12/3/2014 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4329 | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4329.pdf11/5/2014 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4328 | Gary Daugherty
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4328.pdf11/5/2014 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4327 | Mohammad "Mo" Iqbal
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4327.pdf10/8/2014 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4326 | Gary Daugherty
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4326.pdf10/8/2014 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4325 | Bill Roth
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4325.pdf10/8/2014 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4324 | Chris Kious
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4324.pdf10/8/2014 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4323 | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4323.pdf9/3/2014 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4322 | Michelle Gumz
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4322.pdf9/3/2014 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4321 | Gary Daugherty
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4321.pdf9/3/2014 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4320 | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4320.pdf9/3/2014 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4319 | Bill Lenert
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4319.pdf8/5/2014 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4318 | Bill Lenert
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4318.pdf8/5/2014 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4317 | Leslie Juby
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4317.pdf7/7/2014 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4316 | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4316.pdf5/6/2014 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4315 | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4315.pdf5/6/2014 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4314 | Gary Daugherty
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4314.pdf5/6/2014 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4313 | Bill Tarver
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4313.pdf3/4/2014 7:00 PMApproved by COB
Petition 4313a.pdf3/4/2014 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4312 | Gary Daugherty
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4312.pdf2/4/2014 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4311 | Gary Daugherty
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4311.pdf2/4/2014 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4310 | Bill Lenert
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4310.pdf2/4/2014 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4309 | Gary Daugherty
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Jan Dev Comm Docs.pdfPending
Petition 4309.pdf12/2/2013 7:00 PMDenied
Post ZBA Documents.pdfPending
4308 | Bill Lenert
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4308.pdf12/2/2013 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4307 | Bill Lenert
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4307.pdf12/2/2013 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4305 | Mohammad "Mo" Iqbal
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4305.pdf2/4/2014 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4304 | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4304.pdf10/7/2013 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4303 | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4303.pdf10/7/2013 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4302 | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4302.pdf9/4/2013 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4301 | Bill Roth
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4301.pdf8/5/2013 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4300 | Bill Lenert
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4300.pdf6/10/2013 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4299 | Bill Roth
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4299.pdf6/10/2013 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4298 (2013-0003) | Bill Roth
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4298 (2013-0003).pdf4/9/2013 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4296 | Clifford Surges
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4296.pdf5/14/2013 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4294 | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4294.pdf1/8/2013 7:00 PMApproved by COB
4292 | Gary Daugherty
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 4292.pdf1/8/2013 7:00 PMApproved by COB
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 2017-0481.pdf6/13/2017 7:00 PMPending
2017-0355 | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 2017-0355.pdf6/13/2017 7:00 PMApproved by COB
2017-0267 | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 2017-0267.pdf5/9/2017 7:00 PMApproved by COB
2017-0224 | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 2017-0224.pdf5/9/2017 7:00 PMApproved by COB
2017-0222 | Bill Roth
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 2017-0222.pdf5/9/2017 7:00 PMDenied
2017-0004a | David Young
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 2017-0004a.pdf4/11/2017 7:00 PMApproved by COB
2017-0004 | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 2017-0004.pdf4/11/2017 7:00 PMApproved by COB
2017-0002 | Rick Williams
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 2017-0002.pdf5/9/2017 7:00 PMApproved by COB
DocumentMeeting DateStatus
Petition 2014-0006.pdf6/3/2014 12:00 AMPending