Kane County Government
How Do I


​WM 1:  Decrease total municipal solid waste handled 2.5% by 2030 (-17.5% estimated per household decr​ease). ​


​​​WM1-1 Create a comprehensive community-wide communication​ campaign to provide standardized information and communication on waste reduction, reuse, recycling and organics collection option and promote existing resources, services, incentives, and programs. Include identification of regional and local resources, as well as proper recycling, composting and source reduction methods. Partner with local government and public entity departments and other regional recycling and re-use organizations for promotional content sharing. Explore establishing a vintage or re-use festival.

WM1-2 Collaborate with regional waste audit and diversion service providers to develop and fund a Waste Audit and Diversion Assistance Program for businesses. Program to support businesses in establishing tracking and reporting waste streams, identify reduction, diversion, beneficial use opportunities, identification of potential financing sources, and connect businesses with energy audit and other resources in support of full CAIP goals. 

  • ​​​​Goal: 40 business waste audits completed annually with businesses engaged in measuring and diverting waste.

WM1-3 Encourage and support creative solutions to consumption reduction: reuse, repair, and repurposing initiatives, including tool libraries, library of things, swap events, food-share opportunities, repair clinics, etc. Establish mini-grant programs to increase options and utilization.

WM1-4 Collaborate with partners to explore options for expanding or establishing local facilities capable of accepting and processing organics composting/recycling to meet goals of this plan.

WM1-5 Develop resources for a Universal Zero Waste Resolution, a non-binding document to encourage all waste handing contracts to provide recycling and compost collection services and supporting businesses to use these services.  

WM1-6 Support product stewardship and other legislative efforts at a state and federal levels to reduce the creation of waste.

WM1-7 Identify and promote reuse stores, "community shelves" and repair businesses and opportunities which can reduce the disposal of used goods.

WM1-8 Conduct, or hire a consultant to conduct a comprehensive assessment of pricing incentives and penalties for residential waste and recycling services and identify strategies, such as volume-based variable-rate pricing​, that could increase recycling and reduce waste. Develop resources for municipalities such as example bid specs, contract language, etc.

WM1-9 Expand consumer education (e.g. host community forums and provide direct outreach) on sustainable consumption, materials management, available services, incentives, and facilities as well as proper recycling, composting, and source reduction methods.

WM1-10 Research management practices of construction and demolition waste diverted from the landfill. Provide best practices education, training, and resources to contractors, designers, and building owners.

WM1-11 Provide educational information and supporting resources for sustainable material management of construction and demolition (C&D) debris recovery

WM1-12 Support municipalities in establishing a Checkout Bag Charge and Recyclable or Compostable Pre-Checkout Bag Ordinance to reduce litter and waste and reduce contamination in recycling.

WM1- 13 Establish a phase out of single-use products​ by 2026 by implementing an opt-in fee for such products. This should apply to (but not limited to) bags (both paper and plastic), utensils, napkins, and take-out containers. Explore the feasibility of establishing a reusable takeout container service within the community. Applies to businesses of any size. Encourage restaurants to allow customers to bring their own take-out containers.

WM1-14 Support state legislation to prohibit​ Styrofoam; incentivize restaurants​ to choose alternatives; education campaigns on single use items and consumer choice.