County Recycling Events
Upcoming 2025 Event Dates
April 2 - 13, Campaign Sign Recycling - please see details below.
April 5, "Electronics and More" pop-up, in front of Ace Hardware, 994 N. Lake St., Aurora, 9am - noon. *NEW* pop-up item acceptance guide
April 19, "Electronics and More" Earth Day pop-up, Peck Farm Park, 4038 Kaneville Rd., Geneva, 11am - 1pm. *NEW* pop-up item acceptance guide
May 3, "Electronics and More" pop-up, Carpenter Park (275 Maple Ave.), Carpentersville, 9am - noon. *NEW* pop-up item acceptance guide
May 17, Kane County Spring Shred & More, 540 S. Randall Road, St. Charles, 8am - noon
June 7, "Electronics and More" pop-up, 200 S. Lincolnway St., North Aurora, 9am - noon. *NEW* pop-up item acceptance guide
July 19, Kane County Recycling Extravaganza!, 540 S. Randall Road, St. Charles, 8am - noon
August 2, "Electronics and More" pop-up, 1000 Bowes Rd., South Elgin, 9am - noon. *NEW* pop-up item acceptance guide
September 6, "Electronics and More" pop-up, in front of Ace Hardware, 994 N. Lake St., Aurora, 9am - noon
September 27, Kane County Fall Shred & More, 540 S. Randall Road, St. Charles, 8am - noon
October 4, "Electronics and More" pop-up, in front of Ace Hardware, 994 N. Lake St., Aurora, 9am - noon
November 1, "Electronics and More" pop-up, in front of Ace Hardware, 994 N. Lake St., Aurora, 9am - noon
December 6, "Electronics and More" pop-up, in front of Ace Hardware, 994 N. Lake St., Aurora, 9am - noon
Campaign Sign Recycling
Campaign sign recycling will be available for over a week following local elections this spring. We can recycle corrugated polypropylene signs (~1/4 inch thick plastic as pictured below) and metal stands at the following locations and dates:
We can recycle signs made of corrugated polypropylene like the material pictured here. Signs made of plastic film can be taken to store plastic bag drop-offs once stands are removed.